Coming off antidepressants

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I have been taking antidepressants for 15 years now,and have tried to come off them many times.I have now even off them for 6 months and feeling a lot better . My problem is I am suffering from chronic stomach pains & bloating. I have had blood testsultra sound scans & an endoscopy and all are negative Has anyone else suffered in this way I would love to know

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Typical peri symptom. Try taking a simithicon from the pharmacy in the morning and in the afternoon. It has really helped me.
  • Posted


    Yes this is definitely a peri symptom but I came off an antidepressants in January and I suffered really bad stomach pains.

    I was only on them for a year though.

    But stomach issues are awful in peri. I've suffered horrible nausea bloating acid reflux etc.

    So try not to worry as this just makes it worse x

    • Posted

      Thank you for getting back to me. I am nearly 60 so well passed the peri menopause. When you came off the antidepressants how long did the stomach pains last? and did you do anything to relieve the pain.

      Hope to hear from you?

    • Posted

      Hello there . I am currently on citalopram , but only 10mg . I have been on them since the end of January . Since June of last year I had been in a terrible place following the death of my mum and this past year has been my year of hell and that's not an exaggeration . I wouldn't have wished it on anyone . I am feeling better , but now that have just turned 49 I think a lot of my symptoms now and even previously are all to do with peri . I don't think the grief would have helped either . The thing is too I suffer with the stomach issues such as full feeling sometimes , stomach aches , I'm sure I have acid reflux as I get a lot of catarrh , or maybe this is just my anxiety going into overdrive . I also get excess wind down below , sorry if tmi ! I did lose quite a bit of weight , but fingers crossed I am putting it back on . I still get regular periods , but they are heavier and sometimes just after 3 weeks in between . I make myself eat now , as I now it is not good to stop eating . Are all these problems normal ? I do worry so . Lots of love Jane X

    • Posted

      Sounds pretty normal to me. You have been through a major upset and when you combine that with the hormone mess it just compounds anxiety problems. Glad your starting to feel better. Try meditation and or guided relaxation everyday. It helps your body to settle and I have found it very helpful. Good luck.

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