Coming off citalopram. :(
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I've been on 20mg citalopram now for just over a year. I decided to come off about 3 weeks ago as I had
started to feel so much better, which I put down to a combination of counselling and the drug which really did do wonders for my depression. I actually hadn't realised quite how bad it was till I started taking citalopram and I felt normal!
I've come off it properly, one every 2 days, then half every 2, then quarter every 2/3 days. The whole process took about 3/4 months. Now I'm on nothing. The physical withdrawl hasn't been too bad. I've been dizzy and kinda sick for the first week or so and that's starting to go now. However I've been feeling awful emotionally. I feel just as bad as I did before I started the medication, worse even! I feel incompetent at my job and I've even started wondering if it's right for me, I'm a teacher and I've always loved my job. I'm becoming paranoid about my relationship and tearful at the slightest thing.
I feel very depressed and unstable if that makes sense. I almost feel suicidal. Is this normal?? I really need some reassurance that I won't need to be on this for the rest of my life.
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to know that I am feeling more alive and more like me, with all my insecurities and occasional rattiness at least I am getting on with my life again instead of feeling half alive and basically dragging myself through each day as I has been while on them and I am finally losing some of the weight I put on!
I may even then do 5-0-5-0
Am also on multi vitamins with probiotics and vitd3
Agree though.....the drug for me has been brilliant
Have been on 10 mg 6 days now but this morning I had the most horrendous weird dizzy ataxic kind of experience where everything was spinning. I even put a bucket by the bed in car i was sick
Had a couple more
Yes I went onto the help sites and read similar things but written back in 2007
Am going to stick on this dose for a month I think
Just when you think you got it under control...wham
Slow slow slow
Anyone else having same issues? Vivid dreams too and the occasional freeze frame shock..although not since 15 mg
I went down from 15mg to 10 last May, the second week on 10 was awful but after that fine but it still put me off going down to 5mg at the beginning of June which I was supposed to do, infact I have been on 10mg with no problems since that 2nd week (5 months instead of a month) and today I have taken the courage to go down to 5, I bet in a week's time I will be saying I wish I had stayed on 10, I know it was bad for a week before and I came through it and out the other side. Good Luck.. Christine.
It has reassured me I am not alone!
It's amazing how slowly you have to do it isn't it, considering they put you straight on 20 mg at the beginning
I shall stick to the 10mg for a month I think before reducing
I may then even try 7.5 mg nightly !! For a month
I was thinking about when I get Down to 5 that I could them maybe miss a day but I was reading that this doesn't always work so it may be careful,pill cutting to get 2.5 mg for me
Actually when I get to that I suppose it will have to do 2.5-0-2.5-0 as I can't see me cutting it any smaller!
As I keep saying to others, there's no prizes for getting off it quick as possible
Am ok now, been to work, bit dizzy at first but got through it
Thanks again
I'm glad you are feeling a bit better now,hopefully you are over the worst of the withdrawal side effect's I am now on the second day of 5mg, feel OK so far but it is later in the week that I will be expecting to feel odd, fingers crossed I won't. I wish I had kept on with it now earlier in the year and only done the month on 10mg, then a month on 5 then off, it would have been all over by now, as you say it isn't a race to see who can get off quickest, it is what ever feels right for you, I think I either take the plunge and get off of them completely otherwise I will be on them forever and then I will never know if I can do without them, I hope I can.
Take care,
It seems a good idea to alternate between 5 and 10mg, slowly seems the only way, it seems so hard to come off of them, sorry to hear you are suffering terrible migraines,every pain I get I blame on the citalopram that is another reason I want to come off, at least I will know any aches and pains I get are not caused by them. I'm sure we will all get there one day. Good luck.
Well the support we give each other is really great isn't it
Makes one feel your not alone!
If I can split then I will still make my next reduction 7.5mg. Maybe even for the month...
The cutters are £2.40 super drug
It can be done with care
I feel that alternating 10-5 -10-5 may as I said give me a hi low situation
Christine ..why don't you try the 7.5 if it doesn't work for you this week?
Yes it is a good idea to do that, I will see how the next few days go. I find it difficult to cut the 10mg in half with a pill cutter, this morning I had 3 pieces instead of two !!
one day then 10 the next. Crikey it was a mistake my body did not react well to the ups and downs,
I became teary and negative and even wanted to die. I decided I needed more help and the Dr put me back on 20mg straight. Due to the negative thoughts I found myself a councillor as the online one given to me
was not beneficial it took a few weeks to become stable again (my scenario was all down to my marriage
ending in 2010 and my husband moving his pregnant girlfriend into our marital home leaving me with
nothing apart from clothes in a bin bag) The divorce came through on my birthday in 2011- I have never
fully recovered from the loss and constantly doubt myself. After being stable for 6 months I thought Id like to reduce my dose again as my weight was increasing despite not having much of an appetite and I was constantly tired. My councillor said I should shave off a tiny fraction of the tablet...tiny weeny she said and my body would naturally adjust and there would not be a big drop. However this is proving to be an
impossible task. My mood was fine for a couple of weeks in fact I was proud of reducing slowly, now
though is a different story- I spent last night hyper ventilating and sobbing uncontrollably - I'm not eating but not losing weight and I just wanted to end it all last night. I didn't and am now looking for help to come off this drug safely and slowly if possible. This morning I took 20mg and just hope that my mood
Too much a drop
You now realize that.
See my posts
Get a pill cutter and do 20-15-20-15
Best with 10 mg tablets but can carefully be done if you only have 20 mg
Good luck