coming off HRT
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I have been on hrt for over 20 years and have tried 4 times to come off it.each time has been horrendous. I suffered terible night and day sweats and have had to go back on it every time . I am on estraderm mx 50 patches I was on 100 strenght about 10 years ago and managed to get myself down to the 50 strenght patches but the 25 strenght patches were absolutely useless it was like I was on none. Last year my g.p.asked me to come off them again she refused to give me them. I have a form of eczema that covers my ches,t breasts, trunk,stomach, back, legs and arms which is there permantly and when the sweats start it is un bearable.the itching. So I ended up going to another g.p.and getting my patches back. Yesterday I had to see the other G.P. again and she was much nicer and mentioned me coming off it again. I did the million womens study based at the Liverpool womens Hospital and there finding give HRT a very good name. We had a nice discussion and she stated she was not telling me to come but to try and wean myself off it. By cutting my patch . now when you cut the patch you also cut the sticky off so then you need sticky tape to keep it on and I know that once I do get 25 on my patch i will have my sweats and itching back.. I said I would think about it my sister suggested trying Sage tablets as they helped her but as sisters we are not medically alike I dont have any of her ailments so I wonder if that will help me I was thinking of giving it a try and weaning off the patches . I was looking for help and came across this forum and now i am fearful off coming off them I had hysererctomy in 1995 and I am now 66 years old . I would like to stay on it till i die if i could . The eczema I had came on me 10 years ago after my son got cancer and has never left me. I am in good health I had a kidney out in 1990 with cancer and have never looked back health wise. Can any one help or suggest anything.
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Jan999 mariealgarve
marlene21102 mariealgarve
Readings a book I've got here ,a dr says she will stay on HRT unti she dies ,she's 66 when she wrote it ,then another says females should stop it after 10 yrs ,as the older you get to stopping HRT you get more health related issues if on any longer .
Some women I know get to a panic if dr says no to giving HRT after a cut off time ,sad thing ,one even said she would sign a waver just to get HRT ,or go into another county to get it prescribed to her ,time her records had caught up ,she'd have been given the prescription for HRT for 6 months . Scary stuff all round .
Eczema is most likely to be stress caused ,I suffer from it t Scalp and ears inside and backs of ears ,so I say it's stress based .Big chemist has brought out a new product will PM you with the name of it .Best wishes
Jan999 marlene21102
marlene21102 Jan999
loretta63638 mariealgarve
barbara49965 mariealgarve
Jan999 barbara49965
Jan999 mariealgarve