Coming off HRT

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I want to come off HRt after 3 years but cannot find information about the potential effects of doing so. I had been menopausal for 5 years prior to starting the treatment. Any comments or experiences please?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I took myself off Jane, but had to do it really gradually..and it will be different in every person.

    If you suddenly stop it completely...your symptoms may return..and often worse....I went from tablets to patches ( in the same dose) this is better as its only taken in through the skin and not processed by your liver.then gradually reduced the dose with my doctor monitoring me....if I didn't feel right, put the dose back up and tried again after another month.

    Eventually, I cut the patches in half....then quarters.....then off completely.?.

    I'm in my 60s now, fine....truly..! But take your time ok...listen to your body, and get plenty of rest and good nutrition...

    Time to look after YOU.!! Good luck Hun..💕

  • Posted

    I weaned myself off gradually, reduced by one tablet every other week then one tablet weekly leading to two tablets and so on......    I eventually stopped the tablets in January this year.  I was also on HRT for 3 years.  I was on a low dose though.  I've come off and my mood has gone down, I've put weight on (I lost it without trying when I started HRT) and I generally feel low compared to how I felt on HRT.  I was so energetic, slimmer!  Felt good in general.  I'm about to write my own post about my experience today as I've been to see a gyne and I'm so annoyed and dismayed with what she said!!  sad

    Good luck and reduce slowly x

    • Posted

      This is so confusing as my main reason for coming off is to lose the 10lbs in weight I gained whilst on hrt.
    • Posted

      Emm. Weird.  I was just thinking of you.....

      I haven't been on her much lately:  'real' life has sorta got in the way, and, to put it as sweetly as I can muster:  the sh*t is about to hit the fan!!  That will entail a house move, selling property and moving away from our son and grandson.  Nothing serious then!!

      I read this thread and thought of you, wondering if you'd reply.

      How did you get on at the Gynae's??  You don't sound too happy!!neutralxx


    • Posted

      Jane I wouldn't worry you will probably lose it if you put it on while on HRT.  The side effects of HRT are weight gain or loss.  Everyone is different....I lost weight which was great.  You gained it but when you stop the HRT it may just drop off you.  I know when I stopped it just gradually came back on!  sad
    • Posted

      Hi Shaz,

      No I'm not too happy and have just posted - title is "Apparently I'm a normal woman"!!   I don't feel b****** normal sad

      Sorry to hear about your problems, hope you get through it ok and still keep your wonderful sense of humour :-)

      Well did you know that I'm NOT menopausal NOR am I even peri menopausal according to the gyne consultant??!!  But what do I know it's only MY body!!  And the consultant has dealt with gyne problems for years so obviously knows better than me!!!  Oh I won't go on.... you will see my post.  But NO I'm not a happy bunny.

      E. xx


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