coming off matazopine
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Think I spelt it write lol
Well day 19 cold turkey from 30mg feel fab in fact I feel like my old self anyone know how long these evil pills take to come out of your system X I have gained so much weight after being on these for just over 1 year and Today I can fit in to my jeans today well not perfect but there on😁 Thank you for reading any feed bk will Be much appreciated xx
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Barden832 jolene95830
Glad to hear from someone else who has gone cold turkey.
I have been on Mirtazapine 30mg for over 5 yeras and felt pretty miserable so I decided to challange whether this drug was doing more harm than good.
I am now on day 8 and my transformation has been totally remarkable.
Others have tried and had a horrendous reaction.
So plaese forgive me if I glout a lot but I must share my experience.
Improvements in my general mood so far: -
1) Eyes so much brighter to the point that I no longer need specs.
2) I have become so much more flexible and can now move without so much pain.
3) My irritable itching has completely gone.
4) I feel so much more alert and now capable of magaing my affairs.
5) I've lost most of my appetite so maybe I can loose so weight.
The only adverse reaction that I have detected is a slight interferance with my normal sleep pattern., which has now corrected itself.
I just can't believe that by just stopping taking this nasty drug I have restored my life to a more acceptable place.
jolene95830 Barden832
That's fab news I feel pretty good which I'm shocked I don't feel heavy I have more energy and I'm s lot more happy hope it continues as I'm not going bk on them no way I want my old self bk xx Good luck barden832
connie08861 Barden832
Calmer connie08861
Hi Connie
Just to say have you tried qn over the counter anti-histamine for the "itchy". Mirt' contains a huge histamine block, this is what makes us drowsy, once this is whipped away with CT the body receives a sudden onslaught of histamine, hasn't learn to readjust.
Sleep: you could try Benadryl (drowsy) at bedtime. Maybe one, maybe another if/when you wake 3/4 a.m. I would try the lower dose first, you can feel dozy when waking in the morn' ... ugh
connie08861 Barden832
Are you sleeping thru the night without taking anything? That's my hardest part. And the itching. I had to take 7.5 mg Las night I couldn't take it anymore. 😞 feel like I failed after 9 days of toughing out.
Barden832 connie08861
Hi Connie. I'm beginning to get completely confused with our journey to get off Mirt. In my case I had terrible itching which was instantly solved the moment I ceased. In your case you imply that itching started when you stopped. I know we are all different but, come on, we must not be that different.
Please please don't even think that you have failed. If you find it helps then use it. You have made a possitive decision for the right reason. You must do whatever is necessary to improve your well being.
mud93433 jolene95830
I'm glad you're feeling better. I stopped cold turkey after 12 years, myself. I was experiencing body aches, tiredness and brain fog for the last few years and after changing my diet and vitamins, stopping mirtazapine was the only thing left for me to do, and it turns out that was the culprit.
Having said that, I took it for the first 9 years and it gave me my life back after it was stolen from me by anxiety. It let me sleep. It let me function like a normal human being again, for years. So I would never call it "nasty" or "evil" especially in a forum like this, frequented by hundreds or thousands of people suffering from the same, or worse, mental issues and might feel they're at the end of their rope.
If mirtazapine is helping them and they see people like us saying that the one drug that is helping them is evil, that can be devestating to their confidence and sense of mental health.
jolene95830 mud93433
connie08861 mud93433
Wow. That's encouraging. I was only 6 months and stopped 9 days ago. Just looking for support, found this site. I'm so itchy and sleep is not too good.
Lj95 jolene95830
Glad it is so positive for you! I am on nearly five weeks without now after tapering off 15mg over space of 2 weeks. I was on them for 9 months and am still the most ill from withdrawal I've ever been in my life. I can't shake the motion sickness and nausea, migraines and no sleep. I want it to end!
jolene95830 Lj95
Sorry to hear it it's strange how people react diffrent hope you feel better soon xx
Barden832 Lj95
I am not a trained heaith carer so I can't advise on what others should do. I can only report on my own experiences.
Comimg off Mirtazapine has worked for me but that is my owm personal reaction. If Mirt is giving you a benefit then carry on taking it. None of us should be putting ourselves through agony if there is no need.
Calmer Lj95
Hi Lj
Sorry to read of your suffering, did you try to ask your doc' for somthing for the nausea? Some folk speak well of the anti nausea wrist bands too.
Best wishes.
connie08861 jolene95830
Hi! Last night I lay crying in my bed as I couldn't sleep and I had to get up for work. I have gone many night without sleep. I caved and took 7.5. Fell right asleep and the itchy is gone. It's a crazy med. I'm taking it tonite too. I cannot cope without sleep as I get major anxiety! I'm a slave to this med. Will try again. I took benedryl to sleep previously and i wake up several times. Mirt knocks me out. Thanks for reply.
jolene95830 connie08861
Oh I hope you are ok I find it hard to fall asleep eithout my tablets I have Cfs so my sleep is all over the place at the mo I'm usally asleep by 10:30 but not falling till gone 12 it's hard but I'm hoping it will get better I have also found my self waking early than I use to I hope u have a better sleep tonight xxx
Barden832 connie08861
Hi Connie. I do totally understand your need to get a good nights sleep. I got really upset just sitting arround waiting for sleep. Hour after hour. However your comments would suggest that you can help your problem by taking Mirt. &.7.5mg is a relatively small dose so the side effects may be mimimal.
Carry on taking it and see what happens.
connie08861 jolene95830
Hi Jolene. What is cfs? Was sleep better last night? I slept well. The little mirt pill does the trick. It helped me thru a difficult time but now I can't sleep without mirt. I tried benedryl and melatonin and wake up alot thru the night
jolene95830 connie08861
Hi Connie08861 Cfs is chronic fatigue syndrome so my sleep is everywhere had a good sleep when I finally fell asleep but felt croggy this morning I think it's been 21 days drug free started itching so antihistamine s seem to work glad u had a better sleep was thinking of getting somthing just to help me doze off as I'm lying awake which seems for ages X have a good day x
toni47195 Barden832
How are you today my friend...?? I hope you re continuing to do fine. I was not so OK yesterday but today it seems more different. Calm eventhough my sleep was not at its best.
Barden832 toni47195
I feel great, Toni thanks for asking. Still no dramatic withdrawal symptoms from giving up Mirtazipine. Now must be a couple of weeks. It's a bright sunny day here so alls well weith the world.
Now that my body dosen't hurt so much and I am beginning to loose weight, at last! I must get more exercise. I'm a lazy sod by nature so that could prove a challange,
I find that if I have sleep problems taking a couple of paracetamols helps.
Glad to here that you are feeling calmer today. Upwards and onwards.
toni47195 Barden832
Happy for you buddy.
I had a setback yesterday. Due to my weakened CNS and most probably a WD day i had a situation at work where i started ruminating. I had a panic attack and somehow the whole day was not good for me. My sleep was also not good i had to take linden tea around 3 o clock in the morning to continue sleeping.
Anyway after that the things went OK and today i am calm. How i wished i never touched these psych meds. We forget that we need to face life as it comes and place our trust to the pill pushers "Pdocs" and these are the results. You never know how the next day will be... :-(
And to think that i had a stable life up to March with just mild ups and downs for a normal life. Anyway need to be positive otherwise these kind of situations become really uncontrolable.