Coming Off Mirtazapine

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I have been on Mirt for 11 weeks and would like to get off this medication.

I have been on 7.5 mg the whole time.  I woulk like to know the best way to come off this drug.  I am so scared I will have terrible withdrawal symptoms.

Can anyone out there help me with this.  I keep reading so many horror stories of people getting off this drug.  Ilive in the US and here we do not have the liquid medicine available.  Has anyone come off this medication by tapering and how did you do it?


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8 Replies

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    I have been on 15mg for 10 months. I stopped Cold Turkey 4 days ago. I tried the Taper method before but it was hell. I'm doing good except a little insomnia creeping in. I had some depression too today but hopefully that will clear. I feel more awake that's for sure. 7.5 is so minor. U can try 3.5 a few days first.

    Hope that works.


  • Posted

    Definitely cold turkey. I took 7.5-15mg for 4.5 years and quitting cold turkey wasn't bad for me. I'm about 6 weeks out and feel pretty good. 

  • Posted

    I tried a cold turkey stopped and suffered horribly. I had horrendous insomnia, anxiety, racing mind, stomach issues and just felt terrible. It took me about 6 weeks for my sleep to return and another month or so thereafter to stabilize. I then started a taper from 30 to 15 mg by cutting the tablets. Granted, I still had WD symptoms but they were manageable. Once I got to 15 mg, I had a local compounding pharmacy make a liquid compound which allowed me to make smaller taper cuts. I went all the way down to 0.25 mg over a year long period. And even though I tapered to slowly, I still had 3 months of WD symptoms where I almost reinstated because of the insomnia. However, my family supported me through the process and I'm now off 6 months.

    If you are not interested in such a slow taper, maybe try cutting your tablets and reducing by 25% and see what happens. It may take up to a few weeks before WD symptoms start so I suggest you take your time and proceed with caution. However, you may be one of the lucky ones who can go off quickly.

  • Posted

    Hi mary:  My doc told me it takes about 3 weeks for Mirt to get into ones system and begin working so at 11 weeks you should not have bad withdrawal symptoms.  I suggest tho that you do wean by taking 7.5 every other night for a week and then every 3rd night and see how you feel.  You could even cut the 7.5 down into crumbs (as my doc says) and then determine when it's the right time.  Listen to your body.  You may have some anxiety and trouble getting to sleep but you've taken such a small amount for such a short time, don't fret bad side effects.  You'll be fine.

    • Posted

      hi frazzled:  Thanks for the help and the information.  I intend to start tapering for the first time in two days.  I was thinking about going down slowly.  Your advice helped.  I'm going to see the doctor Monday,  Only trouble they sometimes think you can do it  more quickly.  Hope I get some good directions on tapering.  I'm still scared to do this.  I don't know what to expect.  

    • Posted

      Hi mary.  I'm not sure the docs give good advise about how to wean/taper because each body is different -- what works for me may not work for you.  You have to experiment.  If the side effects are too bad (I doubt very much they will be in your case), you can always take a wee bit more and try again.  You know how your body feels -- the doc doesn't.  As I mentioned you are taking such a small amount that the withdawal side effect should be mild.  Play it by ear, as the saying goes.  Good luck and stop fretting, you'll be fine. 

  • Posted

    Hi frazzled:  Thanks again for your help. 

    I also would like to know if anyone ever used the CITA chart on how to taper off Mirt?

    It doesn't make you cut 7.5 in half and in half again to come off that dose.  They just come off slowly for several weeks .  You take 7.5 then skip one day one week then skip 2 days the the next week and so on.  I just wondered if anyone did this instead of trying to cut 7.5 in half to 3.75 and ending with 1.37 and then stop.  Still trying to find the best way to stop this drug.  Also is beneficial to go on Prozac while trying to get off Mirt?  Has anyone tried this?


  • Posted

    Hi Mary.Just weighing in for moral support.I started Mirt about 6 1/2  months ago for IBS/anxiety/depression. Started at 15mg pm going up to 30mg(15am,15pm) starting about 4 1/2 months ago.Also was put on Gabapetin 200 mg going up to 600mg in 200mg increments (200 am,200 afternoon,200 late pm) for back pain associated with IBS.Also started Tramadol 50 mg twice a day for pain.At the same time I was being weaned off of Paxil 20mg twice a day after 20 years.This all started back in Dec.We were bought by a large corporation about 2 years ago and switched to there system last Sept. which causes us to do more work to accomplish the same tasks.Plus we are under alot more pressure.It's no coincidence that by the end of Oct I started having problems.Granted my eating and drinking habits had been bad for awhile,so it all caught up with me.I really crashed inJan-Feb so I'm hoping things start to even out but as of right now I have good parts of the day and bad.I have 28+ years with our company but have to go 5 1/2 years more to get to 60 and start collecting my 401k.I live in the US in Ohio so there just isn't many jobs around here,so I have to stick it out.My belief in God and Jesus has saved me because there were times I didn't think I'd make it.I trust and pray it all works out for the both of us.Prayers your way and God Bless You,Bob p.s.Sorry so long winded.

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