Coming off Mirtazapine

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I foolishly decided to stop taking Mirtazapine 15 mg 10 days ago because my restless legs were going ballistic. I now know I shouldn’t have gone cold turkey as I am now feeling sick, getting more migraines and have insomnia, which is ironic as that is the reason I was on Mirtazapine, not for depression or anxiety.

My question is, as I am 10 days after stopping, should I continue without it or should I try 7.5 mg?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I went cold turkey last week from only taking 7.5mg and it was pure hell I had the worst anxiety ever I thought I was finally going crazy! After 6 days I gave in and started again and 5 days later I'm still not right! I wish I never ever started them! I would go back on them and wean off, good luck x

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    Hi Jane how long were you on 15mg's for?

    • Posted

      A long time! Was on 30 mg for a couple of years and 15 mg for about a year
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    Hi Jane

    I would start taking the 7.5mg immediately.   Like you, I went cold turkey.  I was on 15mg (which I believe is the best dosage for sleep problems) and stopped.  Dead.  If you continue to go cold turkey you will experience the most protracted and horrific withdrawal symptoms.  I know.  I've done cold turkey for over 4 months and I still have problems with insomnia.  It's too late for me but you should claw back some peace of mind by taking the 7.5mg dosage and if that doesn't work go back to your doctor.

    I wish you all the best

    • Posted

      Thanks for the advice. However, the reason I stopped was it plays havoc with my restless leg syndrome. Keeps me awake for at least two hours when going to bed. Not sure which is best, cold turkey or restless legs!!
  • Posted

    I went cold turkey after 2 months on 15mg- it has been 3 weeks now and each day it gets a little better .I did it with help of 10mg temazepam and 2 mg diazepam-still on the diazepam but will end it soon. Dr said it will take a while to get all the withdrawel  effects out of system. Wish I had never been put on it but was in severe  grief over  loss of aunt.Good luck Jane.
  • Posted

    Cold turkey can be rough but you might as well stick with it and when it becomes unbearable you can return to a lower dose and continue from there. Everyone seems to have a different experience getting off mirtz and perhaps you can adjust quickly without too much pain. Good luck.
  • Posted

    I have Epilepsy and Mirtazapine has caused a seizure! sad i'm gradually coming off it and its giving me all the withdrawal symptoms that you're saying. I feel sick, i have migraines, i feel shaky, i feel panicky. I'm scared of having a shower on my own :'( i was on 45mg, on 30mg for a week then will be on 15mg this Monday. I just want to be off it, i feel so ill. 

    I think now that you are 10 days stopped you should stick with it, drink LOTS of water. Have someone with you at all times and eat healthily (i'm trying haha). 

    If i'd had known this HORRIBLE drug was going to do this to me i would've said NO THANKS, i don't ever want anti depressants again. Just my epilepsy medication. 

    I hope you're starting to feel better xx

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