Coming off of 100 mg of Sertraline.
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Hello all! This is my first post/discussion forum thing. I am a 21 year old male. I was diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression about 2-3 years ago and have been on 100 mg of Sertraline ever since. Since then I have had almost no anxiety or depression and have decided to go off Sertraline because I am experiencing some negative side affects (such as a low sex drive and memmory problems I used to never have). I have been weaning myself off of it by taking 50mg a day for two weaks and I completely stopped taking any sertraline three days ago. I have been having "brain zaps" I guess it's called. It feels like electrical pulses or vibrations maybe that travel down my neck and threw my arms to the tips of my elbows. It is freaking me out.... How long is this suposed to last? I am also worried that my anxiety and depression are gonna come back. I am pretty clueless about all this stuff.
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kevin66749 ethan_00702
cherry123 ethan_00702
betty74098 ethan_00702
sharron326 ethan_00702
I have been on Sertraline 100mg for about 3 years. I want to know how your experience was and how you got it done successfully. I know exactly what you experienced with the "brain zaps" and they are really uncomfortable to say the least. Any suggestions?