Coming off sertralin

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Hi, any advise would be grateful........

I have been on 200mg of sertralin per day for the last 2 yrs. I started having funny do's, the elec shock feelings, dizziness, didn't feel me and felt as though I was cracking up,which the doc tells me it's the sertraline and menopause symptoms, so I have come off the sertraline fully over the last 6 weeks. Well.....the elec shock feelings are 100 times worse, very itchy skin all over body, easily teared at sensitive issues and now I think I have got arthiritus in my elbows, wrists, shoulders and neck, due to constant ache in these areas. I had been feeling the ache in my right elbow say for the last 6 months but it seems to of spread to the other areas I have just mentioned.  Does anyone know if this is due to coming off the tablets ? My doc has told me the elec shock feelings can carry on for a couple of month once off the tablets completely. Not really discussed the other issues as the elec shocks were the most intense symptom, now I feel it's them and this arthiritus feeling. I plan on going back to work on Friday, which will be a total of 6 week off but this arthiritus feeling is really getting to !!!!! 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

     hi ive just been looking at your letter and to be honest if i was you i wod go back to the docs as to be honest 200mg serteraline is quite alot and if your getting electric shocks then i wod want off and maybe its time to change medication all the best
  • Posted

    2 years on 200mg of Sertraline then coming off them completely in 6 weeks, in my opinion if far too quick. With this drug the withdrawal rate should be much slower, possibly 3/6 months!

    I would say you are definitely suffering withdrawal symptoms!

  • Posted

    The doctor did at 1 point say I may be coming off them too quick but I just felt I needed to get off them as soon as possibleand I would deal with the effects. I dont feel down just them things happening to me and I feel that the tablets must of been masking all this and my body has really  gone downhill since taking them. I think if it was confirmed its definitely side effects of coming off the tablets and all would stop eventually it would give me peace of mind. Maybe I need another chat with my doctor for clarification. 

    Thank you you for your  input/advise,


    • Posted

      Hi julie, I'm not a doctor but if it is withdrawal then it's your body missing the medication.... you could try taking a small dose, say 25mg for a while to see if that helps settle things down!

      Ultimately though, a trip to your doctor is the best thing.

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