coming off venlafaxine after taking it for 15 years
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i finished my last tablet about 5 days ago after weening off then i stared to get a wooshing in my ears aslight headache and i keep crying and im convinced im going to die, is this normal or have i something else wrong with me, im so scared please help.
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daveTTT theresa34462
You are not alone. I took my last 37.5 mgs. yesterday.It's taken me some timr to get here and it's been horrific!
The painful ears, the headaches,lighting flashes in my head,excessive sweating,tremour,hightened anxiety,deppression, nausea,painful stomach,sore joints,sleeplessness.
It's been very hard convincing family and friends just how difficult withdrawl is. Apart from good support from my GP and shrink I feel very alone with this.
But I am determined not to go back to that posion Venlavaxine and go the course, however long it takes.
It is " normal " how you are feeling, you are not going to die, hang in there and try not to be scared.
theresa34462 daveTTT
hiphi theresa34462
I have been off of the Ven poison since May 17th (2014) and I can promise you that you will not die. I weaned myself to just a wee bit over a few months before "letting go" of the med completely..... and yes, it was hell at the beginning. I expected it to be bad, but nothing could prepare me for the many symptoms that the body produces to fight its way back to the drug...I won the fight with a lot of self understanding.
No one can possibly understand the horrific symptoms you are currently going through unless they've gone through it as well, so I kept that in mind when the situations arose from others in my life reacting to what wasn't "me". It was more like the drug made me into a terror (unbelievable for anyone who's mind and body have never been wrecked by this medication)
Today, two months later, I am doing much better, but most definitely needing to allow more time to heal my mind.
I have taken Benadryl for the symptoms, especially for the first 3 weeks, along with an array of vitamins and minerals, including Calcium Magnesium, Omega 3-6-9, Potassium and multivitamins. All of these seem to play a role in my recovery.
Allow yourself much patience, Theresa, I know the pain you are in. Think of each day as a battle already won in the war against this poison. I can now look at meditation and self affirmations to continue with the healing process. At the beginning there was no room in my consciousness or subconsciousness to allow any peace. It takes work even now to let it all go.
We are with you here, and together we can conquer this attrocious "medication" and what it has done to us.
Much love and peace ~ Hilda
daveTTT hiphi
Thanks for your entry into this disscussion. Gives me hope to hanh on.
hiphi daveTTT
Always here for anyone and everyone who truly needs an understanding place to fall.
Hang on to hope always, and truly imagine you are past the horrors of withdrawal. Envision how you feel being away from all the pain and conflict your body is going through. It works to keep seeing that healthy you. Believe completely that you will be free of this war, it will be so.
With much regards,
daveTTT hiphi
Good to know we are not alone!
daveTTT hiphi
I have reduced from 225mg to nil., I'm now coping much better apart from the ocassional sweat, brain zap, anxiety, depression, ( but which are now reducing ). Today I played 9 holes of golf. I'm finding if I can keep myself it's much easier to cope. It,s getting better. Tommow It's Mount Everest.
so this might be the last you hear from me!!
hiphi daveTTT
hiphi daveTTT
I find being alone far too attractive as well, and since I have kids of ages ranging from 13 - 21 (4 of them) I need to get back to the living...and soon!
daveTTT hiphi
No,No,No...I exaggerated a little
. The highest If been is a small hill here in Banchory, Scotland ( not England ) which is about 97 ft high and very,very purple..( Purple as in the Thistie). The wise one will remain.
Take care
hiphi daveTTT
Stay safe and tell me how it goes!
daveTTT hiphi
Yea, I know that feeling of enjoyig isolution. I therefore make a great effort to socialise.I had great help coming off Ven and have never really felt a loss of a sense of worth. I can imagine though that if you are constantlyfeeling low or depressed it can be easy to lose your confidence.
Hang on in there DaveTTT
Spanishsarah theresa34462
theresa34462 Spanishsarah
hiphi Spanishsarah