coming off zoloft

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hI i HAVE JUST WEANED MYSELF OFF OF 150MG ZOLOFT DAIOLY WHICH i HAVE BEEN TAKING FOR 18 MONTHS, ANYWAY i GOT ALL THE NORMAL THINGS ASSOCIATED WITH TAKING THEM ie.Headaches, dry mouth wieght gain,and even after 18 months there did'nt seem to be any difference in my mood, so my dr said I could come off them, he said drop down to 50mg daily for a week and them every other day till they ran out, this is my 3rd day without taking it and I feel down and depressed and panicky, I should also say that I'm on the hip replacement forum aswell so all this when I'm due for my 2nd opp this month is just the pits! should I start taking them again, or should I persevere, I'm just sick of all the meds in my systom, any addvice would be great,



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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Lynne go to the link on this forum called Sertraline withdrawl does it ever go away? You will see many of us have had quite the journey.

    I was on 150 mg for 10 months, like you it did nothing, but give me terrible side effects. I came down at 25 mg. for two weeks at a time, took me three months. I think you've decreased too quickly. This drug affects our brain chemistry. I've been totally sertraline free for 18 months and just now beginning to feel like my old self. I had nausea, heart burn, blurred vision, crying bouts, anxiety for months after.

    You are not alone. I wish you well on this journey to wellness.

    • Posted

      Hi Maureen, thanks for your reply, I just ffollowed what my gp said, so I'm wondering if it's the depression coming back or just me, sometimes I feel ok, then today it's just like it was 18 months ago, I really have no energy (due to my hip pain) I'm just sitting here thinking I can't be bothered with anything, I don't want visitors because I don't want people to see me like this, and yes I know they care, but unless you have been thru acute depression you just can't undertsand how debilitating it is, they just tend to think it's an off day, snap out of it, if only it was that easy, anyway I will check out the page on with drawl,

      many thanks.


    • Posted

      In my experience G.P's aren't aware how these drugs can affect some people. They aren't an aspirn, I would it's a reaction from tapering.. I went bck on them at one point as my G.P. told me it was depression returning. He was wrong it was due to he tapering. The people on this forum helped me so much. I wi
    • Posted

      Sorry Lynne having trouble with the site. I had such terrible withdrawls when finishing sert., thought I was losing my mind as my Dr. told me it would be out of my system by 4 weeks. We're all different and finding I was not unique, that others also were experiencing similar lasting side effects was a comfort for my sanity.
  • Posted

    Hi Lynne,

    Sorry for your suffering and have been there myself. Just try to keep busy no matter how difficult it is to yank yourself to do so. And beware of possible intense anger blow outs over little things.

    Good luck and I hang onto the saying, "This too shall pass."

    I too am on the hip replacement site. When you have your THR, fortunately, that will override what you are suffering right now. Guess there is something good in every challenge.

    💛 Dawn, USA

    • Posted

      HI Dawn,

      yes I thought I knew your name from the hippy site lol, it's good to know I'm not the depressive hippy lol, I just got up and floods of tears for no reason, feel so alone , it's a long story, but in brief, I have 4 children, ages from 43,32,30, and 26, the younger 2 ARE GIRLS WHO HAVE BOTH DISOWNED ME, DON'T ASK ME WHY i TRULY DON'T KNOW, THE BOYS (sorry caps lock) they are in the USA, I used to live in cali, then moved up to OR, my eldest is in TN I have 5 grandchildren from him and his wife, the other is in portland, anyway thanks for your support, it's so good to unload, even to a total stranger, please stay in touch, we can compare notes,

      Love and peace,


    • Posted

      Hi Lynne,

      I was insanely disowned by my father and all extended family as well, also long story and assure that I truly do not deserve it, then when my husband divorced me 10 years ago because he did not want anything to do with helping me raise my grandfathers who were suddenly homeless due to neglect and abuse from my daughter, I took on the mission alone at poverty level. I then put myself through two negative dating experiences and decided never again.

      Then all the hip stuff and other surgeries in a row, caused me the need to increase my antidepressant and now that the hips work, I chose to stop the antidepressant so I could see where I stand for real in the joy happiness category. I want to rediscover who I am on my own terms. THR's truly can do both: cause depression and cure it.

      Private message me anytime to talk. Sounds like we both could use and lend an ear. I am in Tennessee by the way.


      💛 Dawn, USA

    • Posted

      I meant grandbabies, not grandfathers! Ha! They are now ages 14, 12 and 10. 💛
    • Posted

      Hi Dawn,

      god we do have a lot in common!! where in TN do you live I'll be out for thanksgiving and christmas we could do lunch, my family are in spring hill,

      how do you PM on here? or are you on FB?

      love Lynne xx

    • Posted

      On here there is a picture of an envelope at the top of this thread. I am also on Facebook. But don't want to reveal my exact whereabouts on here. I will pm you first.


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