Complicated history.
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I started perimenopause at 35. I was put on hrt as symptoms were severe. Had a heart attack at 42 so taken off hrt. Had a full hysterectomy at 44 and went on hrt. Now 49 and have to come off hrt. I feel like I've been hit by a bus. I have fibromyalgia which doesn't help. It is affecting my eyesight, my limbs don't work, I'm dizzy and sick all the time. How long will this go on and can I do anything to ease the symptoms. My diet is very healthy and I've taken up chair yoga. I am pretty immobile and can't go out alone.
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Guest tracy43395
Jeez Tracy, you've sure been through the ringer. Did any of what happened to you result from being on the HRT? Why did you have to come off HRT?
Sochima822 tracy43395
Last I read from medical peer reviews, 14 years, + or - 5.
Also, most Fibromyalgia can be cured, unless you have a nerve that's causing the damage. What's causing yours?
Guest Sochima822
Sochima822 Guest
Suzanne, I'm not understanding your question. If you're on something it should reduce the effects. Here im talking about women who don't take anything for the roller coaster ride of hot flushes that can come and go.
When I quit drinking anything with sugar, coffee and tea my hot flushes stop bothering me. What i found works best is ISage it really works to give relief and most symptoms will also go away.
Guest Sochima822
Oh, sorry, I thought you meant that that's the longest time you should be on HRT.
debra16694 tracy43395
ImagineOneDay tracy43395