Complications after Gastroscopy

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Had an Endoscopy (shows mild heliko negative gastritis) on 21st September this year 2017.Day after Treatnent start ti feel pain around stomach after 10 days the pain gone but after an hour after meal i feel like super hunger.Thats 10 weeks been taking twice a day 40 mg Pantorpozole (not much better).I have never had any stomach issues in my life I am 29 years now live in uk.Have done the endoscopy as had long time issues with inflomation in my throat (6 months).Last week i asked to to check all possible causes of that and checked for autoimunne gastritis the results cames negative,Also done test for influmation in GI tract which comes positive.Still dont know what to think i am 100% sure they have done some damage to my stomach.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm experiencing the same issues..not exactly, of course, but I need further testing and I'm so darn tired of seeing doctors I don't think i'll have another endoscopy .. or, maybe I will but I'll live with the issues I'm having.

    Not the best approach but it's the one I've chosen.

    I wish you all good luck.


  • Posted

    I hope that they didnt do any damage. Maybe your body is the type that needs to eat many small meals a day. Ive always ate one big meal a day and i know now i have to eat lots of small meals snack size meals through out the day bevsuse i produce a lot of bile and now i have gallstones and unsure if its because i ate one big meal a day and not many small meals. Well i hope your problems pass and you have a full recovery. Take care and i wish you the best.
  • Posted

    Your tests results showed you have gastritis and inflammation of your GI tract.  Gastritis is inflammation of you stomach lining.  This is your diagnosis . These tests are both reliable and accurate.  I would accept your diagnosis.  To heal your gastritis, eat blandly, eat little but often and avoid fatty, rich and spicy foods.  Ask your doctor about increasing your PPI dose or changing your PPI medication.  Endoscopies can disturb your stomach with the tube going down your throat and into your stomach and especially when taking biopsies.  However, these complications do go away since you said your pain cleared up.  Being very hungry after eating sounds more to do with your gastritis.  However, tell your doctor about your concerns about complications.   I was left with permanent neuralgia after a dodgy blood test which is a rare complication but can happen when the nurse doesn’t know what she is doing or is badly trained.
    • Posted

      So there are my resuslts 2 months after Gastroscopy i asked to do them on myself (private).You can check the letter detached and what do you think could be.When i am looking on the web only related to my blood test are Crohn`s and ulcer colitis
    • Posted


      Are you saying not to get an endoscopy? I had one last year and it showed something but the doctor didn't seem concerned but said I could get another this year if I wanted.

      I don't know whether to have it done or not. I'd rather not but if there is something going on then I should know.

      I'm just kind of stuck.

    • Posted

      The doctor’s note is very clear. High levels of fecal calprotectin were found so a retest is needed to see if the calprotectin levels have gone down on their own.  If they have not you will need a colonoscopy or MRI as suggested to see if  you have IBD. (Crohns or ulcerative colitis).

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