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Hi ladies I have been fast tracked for this Tues 24. I have been bleeding now for 16 days but this morning its slowed down I want to wee all the time . I am postmenopausal no period for 3 years. I am scared I will be honest and do not have a clue what to expect on Tuesday any reassurance would well received as I am real whimp thank you and hugs to all x

6 likes, 10 replies

10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle

    I just wanted to send you love, kind thoughts and positivity for Tuesday. Our medical professionals are amazing and I am sure they can sort it out for you. 

    It’s a crazy anxious time of life and I think most of us ladies live on our nerves throughout don’t we! Rest assured we will all be there with you in thought on Tuesday as most of us will go through one check or another during this phase of life too. 

    I’ve had lots of checks myself and the anxiety whilst waiting is unbelievable I know but the peace of mind you’ll have once all is sorted for you will be amazing. 

    Be kind to yourself, think positive (always) - we are all with you...... Then afterwards get out there and get yourself a lovely big treat!

    Big hugs Hunni - let us know how it goes xxxx 

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Louise for your kind words I am forever the optimist but I must confess I am struggling with this. Hopefully Tuesday they will be able to shred some light thank you again 😘 

  • Posted

    Best to get it checked out, Michelle4 and get peace of mind about it all.  It sounds like you've got a full uterus that is pressing on the bladder to cause the constant "wee" feeling.  Perhaps, it's a fibroid, polyp or a uterine lining build-up that is falling under it's "own weight" (to use my gyn's words)?  I wouldn't go crazy just yet.  Try and relax that you ARE being seen as fast as possible to get this dealt with and off of your mind.  I know how hard this is to deal with.  The anxiety is unreal, isn't it?  

    Tuesday, the doc might go over your history as well as current symptoms with you and order some sort of testing to be done.  He/she could even do an "in-office biopsy" (I've had 6 of them done now) just to rule out anything or rule in something.  It also helps classify where you are in the grand scheme of things.  It's not just to rule out the worrisome stuff so, don't be scared if he/she does do it.  It's part of ROUTINE testings.  

    Depending on this doc's temperament, she/he might want to do any number of things.  

    1) A biopsy or...D&C and hysterscopy (done in hospital, same day discharge...I've had 2 of them) but, it gives them a chance to get a biopsy as well as a look around and clean you out.  

    2) She/he may want to just do an ultrasound first and see how thick your lining is.  A biopsy may not be warranted.  

    3) Put you on some progesterone to help clear out the lining.  (It will all depend on their protocol but, they always react with caution anyway)

    She/he will decide what they will do or not do but, it's GOOD that you're being seen so quickly and don't have time to think about things too much or hit Dr. Google which can be a horrible experience and un-needed stress.  

    Try to look forward to this appointment (if possible) though I know it's frightening.  Many of us are left waiting, wondering, anxiety filled and not knowing.  The sooner we get seen and dealt with, the better it is on us.  

    I know what you're feeling and how bad the anxiety can get so, sending you good energies, prayers, vibes and everything else I can send to you right now.  

    Just go with the flow so to speak.  You cannot control this.  

    I'm scheduled for a hysterectomy Sept. 13th and scared out of my head. LOL. (Mine is because I'm 62 and still building a lining, cramping, bleeding and no pattern to it...just daily cancer or pre-cancer caught thus far).  

    HUGS XO XO XO (keep talking if it helps you and keep reminding yourself that if you're a "wimp"...the rest of us are too! LOL). 

    • Posted

      Thank you so much darling I am sure all will be well. They have cancelled the Ultra sound and I am now going straight for hystercopy which I now see has a positive. I am just scared of the unknown good and bad days. I hope you start to feel better soon and your surgery goes well for you I know it will sending you hugs from afar and well wishes x
    • Posted

      Yes, Michelle...doesn't "talking" to the ladies here make you feel so much better and less anxious?! Louellen has also calmed me down yesterday. It appears that you and I will be having the same procedure, I go on Tuesday. I feel a whole lot better going in now than I did before posting and getting the wonderful support from all these ladies! I'm sure your results will be good, i will check in to let everyone know how mine went. Big, big hugs!!!

  • Posted

    love and support going out your way this too will pass and you will be on your road to recovery it's just a phase.

    they will get it sorted out for sure.

    As stated in another post, they can do a D&C get the lining down give you progesterone they have lots of options so don't fret and know that it will get better.


    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your lovely kind words it means a lot,sending love and hugs back to you xx
  • Posted

    you are welcome

    We will be waiting to hear back.


  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, sending you big hugs, try not to worry. I am sure i have read on here before someone in the same situation as you and all was fine just one of the strange things that happen to some women. xx 
  • Posted

    Hi ladies

    I had my Biopsy yesterday the consultant didnt seem too concerned he said I have thickening of the womb ?? but he didn't give me any details. He said he would call me if necessary or write to myself and my GP. I am so relieved they found nothing horrid. I sang all the way back home in the car. Thank you all for your lovely supporting words and I send all the very best love and well wishes xx

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