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 This is my first ever post.

On Tuesday Dec 1st 2015 I had a THR in France (I live there). The operation went well and I was walking the second day after the operation.

On Monday Dec 7, the hospital said it was OK for me to go home, so I did.

Not sure what happened but on Dec 8 in the evening I found that it was very painful to walk forward on my operated leg (right) but OK to walk backwards! I went to bed and thought maybe I'd overdone it and it would be OK in the morning - but unfortunately it wasn't. I called the hospital and they asked me to come in straight away. When I got there they gave me an x-ray and found the new hip had dislocated - aparently this is quite rare.

That same afternoon I had the dislocated hip put back into position.

An x-ray was taken the next day and all looked fine and I walked a bit with the physio. They said I was OK to go home as all seems fine.

So now I am home and taking it VERY carefully when I walk about the house. 

The problem is that the new hip joint feels that it may be moving again and my right leg (the operated side) is quite expanded. I have the surgical socks on but obviously I feel very tentative.

I haven't looked into it yet but I'm thinking about going into convalescence home as I am on my own most of the day until the other half comes home in the evening.

Has anybody else experienced these problems I am going thorugh and maybe can offer a bit of encouragement as I am unsure how this is going to pan out?




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33 Replies

  • Posted

    I know someone else who had a dislocation, on both hips. Seems he is predisposed to dislocating because each of them dislocated a few times!

    I would not walk or move much for a while to give the ligaments time to heal and tighten. But that isn't medical information, just what I would do. I'm glad you're checking in with bone smart.

    • Posted

      From what I have read, once you have a dislocation, you are then more likely to dislocate for some time, until you build up your muscle strength again.


    • Posted

      I am being so very careful with each step and other movements and I have halved, at least, the amount of general movement since I had the dislocation. So "what you would do" is more or less what I'm doing.
  • Posted

    Take care I read what has happened to you and feel bad....Knowing you have support from everyone on here somehow helps. I know it always does me.

    hugs from Canada

    • Posted

      Thank-you for your kind thoughts. I've had a couple of good days so I'm feeling very positive - but still being VERY careful....hugs accepted and reciprocated!...cheers....Simon

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