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Hello everyone Im a little confused......first of all I feel a little normal today mentally and it scares me lol! Its sad that our normal day is scary. Does anyone else ever feel that way? Also I had a feeling yesterday that my back kept getting warm. Now I feel it a little bit in my face and shoulders off and on. I have never had hot flashes do you think that this is a start of them?
1 like, 14 replies
monique_93857 becky53379
Yes ma'am welcome to our world
becky53379 monique_93857
carolrd becky53379
michelle46271 carolrd
becky53379 carolrd
Hi Carol I hope that you are doing well. My Mom is always asking me about you
Im not sure about the hot sounds like your are. Geez this peri stuff is a pain!
becky53379 michelle46271
carolrd michelle46271
i'm menopause
Sochima822 becky53379
Feeling normal is actually a blessing which I loved, but it is scary because you don't know what the next symptom will be. As for the heat flushes throughout your body, happens at the beginning of peri and what turned out to be the worst hot flushes later on, at least for me. Hope it doesn't turn out that way for you! Take care.
colleen90305 becky53379
Sad when normal feels weird. I don't have hot flushes, I'm hot all the time.
colleen90305 becky53379
Sad when normal feels weird. I don't have hot flushes, I'm hot all the time.
becky53379 colleen90305
colleen90305 becky53379
Thank you Becky. I hope you are doing well too. Sometimes I don't want to get out of bed. I feel hopeless
becky53379 colleen90305
tmpearce becky53379
It may be the start of them. So far I haven't has the flashes where my face gets hot or I've broken out into a sweat. What I get is a warm feeling that moves up from the bottom of my back to my neck and down the back of my arms and legs. This lasts a few minutes then goes away. I get them mostly at night and not every night. I think it depends on my hormone levels and where I am in my cycle. Some nights I'll wake up about 12 times and other nights only once or not at all.
Before I started getting these flushes I would have times where it felt like my whole internal body temperature was above normal. This would last for about a whole day and then it might go away and come back another day.
This menopause is a crazy ride!