Confused about Eyelid inflammation (Blepharitis)

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This all started with a dry patch on the corner of my left eye in January . The dry patch had slowly over weeks grown on my eyelid and in May I started to experience flare ups. I self diagnosed with Blepharitis and started reading here about how people treated their symptoms. However, the only thing I experience with this is just dryness and inflammation. I do not wear make up as of 2 weeks and the swelling has gone down tremendously due to warm compressions that I was recommended to do by my eye doctor. He told me to do these compressions two times a day for 8 weeks because it’s really hard to get the inflammation down. That’s all he told me to do.. so I’m just confused because I don’t experience any pain or itchiness on my eyelid. I don’t even have any dandruff on my eyelashes. The only thing I do experience is just dryness but I put a lot of petroleum and jelly on it. However, I did have one stye on my lower eyelid for like 2 days , and then another one after the 2 days that also went away and a tiny tiny inflammation you can barely see on the right eye but it hasn’t expanded. Does anyone else experience this kind of Blepharitis? It looks to me that this symptom is different depending on its origin. 

Also, is this really chronic? Because I read that some people were saying that it’s not really chronic but it can be chronic. 

I guess I’m just confused because when I self diagnosed at first with the dry patches I thought it was dermatitis but this problem has been going on for 3 months now due to an inflammation. I don’t know if I should also apply eye cream that’s for dermatitis as well? Due to dryness. I’m interested to find out what you guys do with your eyelashes because my eyelashes are very weak and have been falling off like crazy. 

I’ll share my routine if anyone is interested: 

I do warm compressions on both eyes with a towel in the morning and then I put petroleum and jelly on my eye. I consume lots of water throughout the day. Then, by the end of the day before I start my second warm compressions I put Manuka Honey on my eyelid (not diluted) for about 25 minutes and also all over my face because of my acne. Then I wash everything off and put my face wash, I do the warm compression and then apply castor oil by my upper and lower lashes due to my eyelashes falling off. I apply coconut oil and pretroleum and jelly to really nourish my skin due to the dryness. 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Nicole, research honey for the eyes. You'll be surprised at what you find. Dena

    • Posted

      Yes. I do the Manuka Honey for my eyes every day for 25 minutes but not over night. I stopped doing it because it left my eyes way too dry and that’s what I’m struggling with the most. 
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      *i stopped leaving it overnight because of the dryness 
    • Posted

      Wow. I use it three or four times a day after I wash my eyes with no tears baby shampoo. It's amazingly effective, No dry eyes. I dont wash it off except when I clean my eyes again, and leave it on all night. I don't even use tea tree oil anymore. Also, I stoped using eye cosmetics completely. However, as it's been said, the same thing doesn't always work for everyone.

  • Posted

    Petroleum jelly is probably the worst thing you can do if you have blepharitis. Read all the old posts and find what works best for you. Everybody is different.
    • Posted

      I’m honestly surprised you say that because I feel like it has been helping my dry eyelids a lot! I remember putting a lot of it in my eyelid during a flare up and the redness and flaky ness went away for like a day and then I stopped applying it (stupid me) and it came right back the next day 
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      If petroleum jelly helps you, then I really don't think you have blepharitis. 

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      The doctor did say that I have eye inflammation .. and just to do the warm compressions for 8 weeks and it’ll clear up. Can you please tell me why Petroleum Jelly is really bad for Blepharitis? 
    • Posted

      All creams and lotions are harmful to blepharitis; it's not just petroleum jelly. Inevitably, it causes a blockage that ends with a stye. I've suffered with blepharitis many years and it's by trial and error that I found what works for me. 

      In 1\4 cup of pre-boiled water, I mix 10 drops of tea tree oil and a couple of drops of liquid soap. I use this mixture to dip a coton flat and wipe my eyes. Because my blepharitis is chronic, I need to do this 4 times a day, but twice a day is probably good for most people. Since I started doing this, I don't even need to do hot compresses.

      If you read old posts and try some of the suggestions, you will find something that works for you.

      Good luck.

  • Posted

    Your condition has me puzzled. I have never lost an eyelash. My main complaint is inflammation. I do have'ft to use eyedrops at night, sometimes during the day. Thee very best moisturizing cream i have ever used for my face is Cetaphil. It really makes my face soft, and i put it under my eyes. It comes in a big jar. I dont put it on my eyes, but i don't need too.

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