Confused about possible autoimmune?
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34 year old white male. 6" tall (182cm). 225 lbs (102kg).
Conditions: piriformis syndrome, asthma, bi lateral carpal tunnel.
ANA Results : 1:160 speckled, 1:160 homogenous
Up until 3 months ago I was in great physical shape. Went to gym almost every day. Weighed in at 205 lbs (93kg). Felt great, best Ive felt in years. Then I started having breathing issues, hand numbness and pain, overall weakness, overall fatigue, and severe back/hip pain.
After a nerve study and EMG I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel. Then after a spirometry test I was diagnosed with 60% lung capacity and asthma. I was also diagnosed with Piriformis Syndrome in right side. Along with these tests, I have had Echos, EKG, Urine Tests, Blood Tests, Lung and Hand XRays, and Sleep Study done.
Everything has come back normal except my ANA test of 1:160 for speckled and homogenous, and a slightly high CK of 268. I decided to make a list of symptoms I have encountered over the last year and it is extensive. Most I have shrugged off becasue I dont do doctors. Havent been to one since I was 24, other than a yearly physical. I will be more than happy to post my list apon request.
My concern is my ANA test. I know its low positive. But is it normal to have 2 test out like that? The following tests were done and tested negative:
Antibodies - SM,RNP,RO,LA
DPC Sed Rate
Rheumatoid Factor
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lisalisatheone rickroll
sounds like me. i was diagnosed with psoriatic spondylitis but spoindylitis can also be caused by something other than psoriasis. maybe ask doc to do an hla-b27 test to see if you're positive for that. it's highly specific for spondylitis that is ankylosing. given your severe back and hip pain and piriformis and carpal tunnel i would question my doctor for a spondylitis workup. mri's of the sacroilliac joints is necessary. my ana was positive too a few times but like doctors tell me it's not why test is my question, but another subject i guess. be your own best advocate and keep pressing for answers. it took me a long time.