Confused - PostMenopausal FSH/LH now normal
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Hello, I had a period in January that went on for 2 weeks, mainly spotting. Gp tested thyroid and FSH/LH levels and told me the levels said I had ovarian failure and post menopausal. I might get a few more periods and that HRT would be advised as I am 44. He asked to retest in two weeks
I missed a period straight after that and waited 6 weeks to have the blood tests redone along with routine Full Blood Count tests. I have just got them back and the GP notes say "normal ranges, no further action required".
The results in January were FSH 83.4 and LH 34.3 (out of range)
Last weeks results are FSH 5.7 and LH 11.2 (normal range)
I am pleased they are down and presume this means I am perimenopausal but not in menopause? I am not going to follow up with HRT discussion right now as I don't have hot flushes.
I am slightly worried that the period problem and missing one wasn't to do with menopause at all - and the LH isnt supposed to be higher than the FSH is it?
Anyone understand all this ?
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jayneejay Beetle1965
In peri the hormones are erractic, and FSH tests will be different all the time.
If a person had two FSH blood tests in one day they would be different results.
Post menopause is when no periods for 12 to 14 months
Normally only when periods have declined to about 3 per year during peri does FSH result say menopausal range ( that doesnt mean post meno)
Is it a GP your seeing.
If i were you i would see a Gyno
Beetle1965 jayneejay
I am in the UK and would have to pay privately to see a Gynae - it's a tricky situation. I am inclined to leave it and continue treating myself with good diet and accupuncture etc
I have just got it in my mind that I need to 'worry'. The GP sounded surprised when the first FSH came back. It's a bit confusing really, but I do appreciate levels go up and down
jayneejay Beetle1965
I am originally from Uk
I think your doctor sounds stupid, he should send you for an ultra sound, check all okay, i had follicular cysts when i was first in peri, they grew to small orange size, your doctor cant say what your ovaries are doing, only an ultra sound can do that.
Good luck beetle
Jay x
Beetle1965 jayneejay
When I originally went, I had pains as well, thought perhaps it was fibroid or cysts (I have had them before) I did consult a private GP at the beginning of all this and will seek her advise again. I know that a ratio of FSH/LH being higher can suggest PCOS - but for now I am really trying not to get worked up about something else as my anxiety is sending me off into health anxiety in a big way. Nightmare
I am consoling myself that all the blood tests (FBC and others) are showing normal but my trust has been put to the test somewhat. I have had a period since and although a little heavy, it was normal length and have not had any pains anywhere since the first episode in January.
I hope it is OK to watch and wait - I am in the middle of changing my GP and a surgery that has a practise nurse to talk about female health!