Confused with doctors instructions regarding draining
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Hi over the last week Iv had a huge abcess grow on my bum it's on the cheek and goes inside between them if that makes sense. Over the weekend it got more and more painful to the point now it feels like it's on fire so yesterday morning I done the usual trip to gp she put me on flucloxacillin and said because it's not started to drain then it will clear up a treat. Today when I was on my way to collect my son from school I felt a sharp pain and a pop when I got home o had a tiny bit of blood. Tonight That tiny bit of blood has turned in to quite a lot
Of the watery pussy blood I'm sure everyone gets on a regular basis. I can't remember as it was last year when I had a massive one but always have little ones but is the draining outwards a good or bad thing? Apart from the bad coz not wanting to leave the house now should it all be ok? Total mental block here so I prob sound a bit dumb so apologies for a long post
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hypercat trudy04761
In future though go to the doctors sooner than later or as soon as you think it is going to be a problem one. I appreciate though that they can grow huge in a very short time. I get ones on my bum sometimes which makes sitting down very painful and especially going to the toilet. Oh the relief when they finally heal.
trudy04761 hypercat
trudy04761 hypercat
nikki1734 trudy04761
With regards to dressings, my GP is fantastic. He prescribed me a load of dressings (and put them on repeat prescription) that came in a zip round fabric case. Now when I run out I just take the case to the pharmacy and they refill it. I made a point of insisting that prescribing my dressings in bulk meant less wasted gp and nurse appointments for something I can now do myself. It's worth using that argument x
trudy04761 nikki1734