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Hello I’m not sure if anyone experience this but . I was at work and all of the sudden my right eye was turning blurry and I was infront of my computer and I couldn’t do my job I kind of forgotten to do it I’m not sure if that was but my face got tingling and my hand all last it like 20 mint. We to the ER and did all blood work CT of the head. All came out normal. They think it was a TIA but it can also be ansiety and the neurologist on call said it can also be hormones.
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jacqueline59683 Eliaimee1970
Thank you for posting. I've been having blurry eye issues and of course thinking its something terrible. I know hormones can affect daughter had a similar episode but her speech was what was affected for a few minutes, they ran similar tests thank God nothing was detected, they told her it was a migraine.
Nancy2121 Eliaimee1970
debra16694 Eliaimee1970
Hi there - do you remember if you felt a little bit nauseas after experiencing the episode? Sounds like you could have experienced an ocular migraine. I have experienced this many times & I am not certain if it’s dropping hormones or anxiety that causes it, but it is not uncommon in peri or menopause. Hope you feel better -
Eliaimee1970 debra16694
lori93950 Eliaimee1970
Yes I’ve had this and thought it wa my sunglasses that were dirty. Probably just another symptom 🙄 try not to worry too much .
Sassyr12a Eliaimee1970
Hi eliaimee
Yes, I've had something similar a few times. It was a migraine, and an ocular migraine which is more like a visual disturbance in one eye. It was due to hormones, specifically an increase in progesterone. Apparently it can occur during time of the month, but for me it was when the dose of hrt was adjusted. We just reduced it, and fingers crossed it hasn't come up again. Xx
Eliaimee1970 Sassyr12a
Sassyr12a Eliaimee1970
Hi eliaimee
Are they following up on the tia/investigation ? I guess that would be the first port of call, but if its not that, what you've experienced could be to do with hormones. I'm not sure how confused I was with the migraines, but certainly very spaced out and not at all myself.... I just wasn't really doing anything at the time so it's hard to compare. Even with the ocular migraine I had tingles and had to lie down straight away. Are they seeing you again? Xx
Eliaimee1970 Sassyr12a