Confusion to be solved

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Hello Ladies, recently I was reading an article about soy products & the benefits they can offer in menopause. In one paragraph it said the estrogen-like effects are beneficial in easing meno symptoms including the reduction of blood pressure if high...I thought that could benefit me, then....a few paragraphs later it said that soy products are high in sodium which may be harmful having a negative effect on blood pressure & those with high pressure should avoid soy products...confusing? Yes!  😕  so, are soy products good or bad? I don't know what to think/believe. Any ideas....

Thank you for your wise words of wisdom, Hugs

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I heard soy wasn't any good especially during menopause because it converts to estrogen when it's metabolized. Women who have uterine fibroids, or who have or have had breast cancer or ovarian/uterine cancer should definitely avoid soy. It's because estrogen feeds fibroids/tumors causing to grow and or multiply. Hope this helps.

    Take care

  • Posted

    hi apparently Chinese eat loads of soya based products and have the lowest sufferers of the menopause. I've just bought some from holland and Barratt. will try after my fx complete as I can't mix the two.
  • Posted

    I heard that soy products can help menopause symptoms but i do know that soy sauace has a lot of salt that can raise the blood pressure its the sodium in the soy stuff
  • Posted

    Hello NuttyNan smile

    I'm also confused about soy products. I eat and drink loads (soy mince, soya milk) every day being a vegetarian but have also been looking into this as I am in peri and soy products came up in a link somewhere. As I shouldn't take HRT due to a family history of breast cancer it would appear that I shouldn't eat soy also. Not sure what to believe - it's all so confusing. Can't imagine what I would eat without the replacement meat products!

    What is so annoying is that you could avoid it for years, as many women did with HRT, then to be told it was perfectly safe after all.

    I hadn't realised soy was high in sodium either. Sorry I can't be any help, I'm as confused as you are smile

  • Posted

    Hi Nan. Interesting...I was hoping to try Soy products too....hope to hear from some ladies on this matter soon....

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