Considering Bio identical hormones. Is anyone taking ?
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Today i spoke to a woman and she told me that she was suffering for many yrs and a friend of hers suggested bio identical hormones. She gave them a try and said it was a life changer and the best thing she did. Tomorrow i visit my naturopathic Dr and this will surely be a discussion. I know i need something, my quality of life is gone. Tonight i experienced shortness of breath only walking 2 blocks scared me to death only to turn right back around and go home. I cried all evening. Everyday something new. I cannot function in this horrific state and the very thought of living like this for yrs is a hell which i do not want to live. I am 44 still young and i need to get my life back to some kind of normal. Has anyone tried it or is on it ? Hugs to all in this hell
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Sassyr12a hopeforever
Hello hopeforever
I took bhrt for about 9 months as like you I was finding the symptoms really hard to deal with. They worked really well for me and I would say give it a go. I felt better, was more positive, less anxiety and aches etc. I'm on hrt now but that's only because 2 of my bhrt treatments were a gel and sometimes the dose was variable. Xx
hopeforever Sassyr12a
Sasyri12a i will give it a try. I am literally confined to my home 3 weeks out of the month. This thing is taking my life. Today i am a mess. Woke up this morning racing heart because of a vivid bad dream. I was shaking to the point where i couldn't wake. Had to calm myself down. I feel like i cannot drive to my dr's appointment so i have a friend driving me. I am seriously considering taking it. I am at my wits end with this madness. Hugs to you
susan39015 hopeforever
Hi Hope, is that even yiur name haha.
Im so sorry you are feeling this way, i can relate because everything you say on all your posts that you are experiencing is what i feel. Its weird actually, I wonder if we all carry a similar genetic glitch or something.
Its not a way to live, there are days where im frigin p****d and im like im going to beat this then there are days where I feel like im dying yet i look normal to everyone else and theyre looking at me like i have 3 heads. I dont know anyone who has taken that. Stupid question but do women take it long term? like what happens if you take it for so long then go off, I couldnt imagine how messed up things would be. Stay strong ❤
hopeforever susan39015
Susan i was very against taking any hormone replacement but what i am learning is that BIHT is the best and safest one to take. I will start with the cream so i can control my doses and not the pellet. I tried herbs, they don't work for me. At this point it is my quality of life that i want back. I will start it and tell you all about my experience. I will also pass on any information given. Hugs to you
Sassyr12a hopeforever
Hi both
Bhrt is meant to be the closest to natural hormones produced, but it's plant based. They shouldn't include any synthetics and so in theory you get something safer with less side effects (disclaimer: what I was told by UK specialist). I have to be honest, I should've taken hrt for about 20 years but put it off because I was scared, but there really are downsides to menopause too which need just as much consideration as taking hrt. I did more damage to my body avoiding hormones than I possibly could taking them, but the turning point for me was that I just couldn't function anymore. I think when it gets to that stage, it's a good idea to look at options xx
2chr2015 Sassyr12a
hi sassy. what would you say is the main reason you wished you had started the bhrt/ hrt earlier?
Sassyr12a 2chr2015
Hello 2chr
I have primary ovarian failure and so should have been on hrt from the age of 16. Obviously there was such bad press that I was scared so didn't take them. So over 20 plus years I had bowts of anxiety and depression and then issues with osteoporosis and my endocrine system. I ended up with thyroid disease which then gave me acute ulcerative colitis which made me severely ill. In 2013 I had to have my colon removed and have a permanent ileostomy. Still my endocrine system ran riot and had iron, thyroid and issues controlling my blood sugars without really understanding the connection. Eventually last year at 43 my hormones went through the floor and I started bhrt. I'm an extreme faulty example I know, but I can't tell you how important it became to me to look at more than just the emotional impact of menopause, but the whole impact on heart, organs and bones which I think can be sadly neglected when we are considering options. Hope that helps xxx
lori93950 hopeforever
i did the estrogen patch and progesterone pills fir 8-9 months not sure made me feel any better but it did put about 40lbs on me and i was 110lbs that in itself is very depressing now off everything .... once weight has dropped off will reevaluate and maybe go back on the vaginal cream .... unless its the progesterone that puts the weight on ? i was only at 50 mgss
AJacynM hopeforever
I've tried several regimes of HRT but seem to be progesterone intolerant.
Currently I'm on low dose oestrogen patches and utrogestan pessaries added in for the last 10 days of the cycle.
This is the first month on this regime and I'm not getting as many side effects yet from the vaginal progesterone as opposed to the oral but... we'll see! I'll give it a good 3 to 6 months unless the side effects creep in again! I certainly don't feel like Wonder Woman though - wish I did!!
Good luck with whatever regime you try.
lori93950 AJacynM
what was your side effects ? i gained a ton of weight
AJacynM lori93950
I mainly got emotional side effects plus my breasts kind of developed a mastitis type pain that got so bad i couldn't breathe without pain!!
That said, I have slowly but surely piled on some weight and although it's not too bad at the mo - it's getting worse! I'm not eating any different but it's still going on but i really haven't got the energy to exercise much and I'm still so tired... HRT isn't the answer for me i don't think but i just hope it's helping my bones stay strong as i have been told calcium defo isn't as good as hormones for this..?! 😕