Considering coming off sertraline

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Hi I am going into my 3rd week on sertraline for anxiety, doc put me on 25mgs a day for the first 7 days, i had fatigue, headaches and found it hard to sleep at nights, I went upto 50mgs and now into my 2nd week of this dose but i have had diarrhoea everyday since upping my dose and have felt slightly like a zombie, still have the headaches and sometimes my head feels so heavy, I am really considering coming off the tablets as I just don't like the side effects of the way I am feeling on them, I used to get anxiety diarrhoea which stopped me going out and now I have it with these tablets, I know I need to give the medication time to work but theses side effects are making me housebound. I have 2 small children too and I hate them seeing mummy this way. I am on a waiting list for CBT too so I'm considering weaning off the tabs and seeing if the CBT alone helps me manage my anxieties.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I too stopped taking Sertraline due to aggressive side effects, and I personally feel better for it but you need to speak to your GP first as withdrawals can be even worse and should be reduced before stopping plus you need to be monitored. 

    Good luck, stay strong. 

  • Posted

    Hi greeneyes   Like you I suffer with really upset stomachs when I get anxious to the point where it stops me going out and enjoying life with my family   This for me has been going on for years   So when I went to the docs he put me on sertraline 50mg for 2 weeks  fine no problem  then dose was upped to 10omg  Bang! the diarrhea kicked in big time and lasted 3 weeks  during this time I felt a total wreck so doc put me back to 25mg   over the next few weeks i gradually went up the dosage until now  3months on  i am back on 100mg  every thing has settled not more diarrhea and I am feeling a lot less anxious  I still have crap days but i do feel tabs are working   My doctor told me I was soo lacking in seratonin that is why I had diarrhea ( apparantly receptors from brain and stomach are linked and we make seratonin in the stomach to go to the brain)  I am also awaiting CBT so my advice to you based on my experience is stick with the tabs so that you can get your anxiety a bit more under control  and follow up with CBT  good luck to you  you sound a lot like me so if you need any more support  dont hesitate
    • Posted

      Hi Kathie wow we do sound alike, I have had this for 15 years and really didn't want to take any pills but it was getting to the point where just taking my daughter to school would cause anxiety diarrhoea, I was missing out on so much with the family and kiddies it was getting me so low, I cannot get in the car or use public transport as I'm scared I will need the loo and this triggers my anxiety big time! I really want these pills to work but it feels like at the moment I've swapped anxiety poops for side effect poops! 
    • Posted

      LOL  thats the irony  i told my doc about my anxiety with diarrhea and sickness  and of all the side effects to get its the one that caused me even more anxiety.  Do you go out for meals  or are you like me will find any excuse not to   I also feel I am letting my family down or spoiling their fun  i try to keep a lot from them about how i am feeling  i used to have really baad panic attaacks a few years back and this reallly frightened my husband  so now he things i am taking meds for the menopause coz i dont want to worry him
    • Posted

      I avoid any and every outing I can, can't remember the last time me and hubby went out for a meal together and I feel the same that i'm letting my family down cos I can't join in on the days out and my 4 year old is begging me to take her to the beach, I feel such a failure, I wish I could just get up and go out and not have to worry about where the loos are and if i'm gonna get the poops or have a panic attack. Hopefully CBT will help us both and we can get off these pills! 

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