Consistent Abdominal Discomfort

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Hello everyone, I’ve been dealing with a condition that has had me concerned and would just like some feedback. Right at 3 weeks ago everything was just fine and I hit up a drive thru late at night and within 30 minutes I had to get to a toilet fast! Now that isn’t really uncommon for me because some years back I was told I likely had IBS but it was constant, I was having to stop at several places on my way home with diarrhea and it kept me up all night pretty much and continued on to the next day. I had gone many times and got to the point where I was passing mucas like blood to go along with the abdominal pain. That afternoon I decided enough was enough and needed to go to the the ER. When I got there I was still passing the blood and did a sample for them and also had bloodwork and a CT scan with contrast done. The bloodwork came back fine and the stool sample was negative for cdiff. The CT showed some inflammation in the colon and a mild wall thickening but everything else seemed to be ok. The CT report said that Colitis couldn’t be excluded so they chalked it up to that and sent me home. The next day the constant diarrhea went away and I was no longer passing blood. Bowel movements have been normal but I have not been able to shake the constant abdominal discomfort. It sits above my belly button and later moves below it and then on each side. Most days it isn’t as much painful as it is uncomfortable. It’s more like an inflamed burning feeling. I followed up with my primary care Dr yesterday and told him the whole spill and he feels that it may have been food poisoning and my body is still getting over it, but me being the worrier I am, I’m of course thinking the worst and the C word. I have an appointment with a GI in three weeks but I’m tired of sitting here worrying myself badly over it. It’s the mucus like blood that I keep going back to and the lingering discomfort that is freaking me out. I’m hoping that was my hemmoriods perhaps from going to the bathroom so much when it happened but it has me worried for sure sad. I’m a 33 year old male. I have had anxiety issues in the past pretty bad but have recently (until now) been on top of them. Thanks for reading this and I hope you all are doing ok. 


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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Does it hurt like when you try to sit up in that same area?  It may be strained muscles from all the diarrhea.  I have had that before, and it sounds like it could be the same thing.  Hoping the best for you!  Post when you get some answers
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      Thank you for responding. I actually started a cycle of methylpredisolone a couple days ago and it seemed to have knocked the inflammation down a good bit but it flared up again within the past hour sad. I just started my third day of it. It’s more of a burning inflammation feeling, it’s hard to say if it could be strained muscles but I’m hoping thats all it is. 
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    Ask for a colonoscopy.
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      A fecal calprotectin test would show if you have inflammation in your colon suggestive of IBD before having a colonoscopy.    It can be treated. You seem to have a lot of different opinions from your doctors with no, one firm diagnosis.  A fecal calprotectin test and colonoscopy would help to rule out causes.  Try to relax because this will help to lessen your flare ups.  Anxiety can set them off.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much. I am def trying to relax but anxiety is indeed very high. I’ve been doing well with my anxiety issues the past several years (I used to suffer from panic attacks badly in my early 20s).....but once I passed blood it freaked me out and the inflammation not going away is what’s bugging me. 
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      Going to your doctor and asking for a fecal calprotectin test and colonoscopy will help to relieve your anxiety because these tests will help to diagnose you.   Once you have a diagnosis and treatment, you will feel better.
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    Hope you are feeling better now.  Question:  Do you have your gall bladder?  Might be a key to whatever condition you may or may not have. 

    Best wishes

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      I’m still dealing with the inflammation. Stomach got irritated today after lunch and had to go to bathroom a couple of times. I do still have my gallbladder. Thanks for your reply. 
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      I’ve been terrified thru all of this. All I can think of is colon cancer
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    Hey everyone just wanted to give an update. I went to my GI appointment the other day and chatted with the Dr and gave him the scoop. He reviewed the CT and the blood work and everything that was done at my ER visit. He said he feels that it could have indeed been food poisoning and colitis and the inflammation is just lingering on. He did schedule me for a colonoscopy but he said he does not feel he will find anything. He did say the colon looked just  a bit abnormal in the scan but that it was caused by the colitis. This seems to have eased my mind a bit. My inflammation seems to have also gotten a good bit better, it comes and goes here and there but isn’t as consistent as it was. I did however a couple of nights ago have pretty bad pain from the middle of my stomach right under my chest that ran to my back in between my shoulder blades for nearly and hour immediately after I drank some Dr Pepper, so I’m starting to wonder if this all could be gallbladder related. I’ve also noticed some of the inflammation has ran to my groin as well (I asked the GI Dr about that also and he said that didn’t really concern him). Anyway just wanted to update you all. 
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      Glad you got some reassurance.  Food poisoning can trigger conditions like post infectious IBS.
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      Thank you for keeping in touch and following the thread. Yeah I still worry a bit and I won’t lie I’m a bit nervous about the colonoscopy but I’m hoping it won’t be anything major like he feels 
  • Posted

    Hello everyone.... I bring good news to the table today! I had my colonoscopy yesterday and it looked good.... not even a single polyp. They did have to send a biopsy off but the Dr told my dad (because I was still out of it) that everything looked good and he saw nothing and that the issues I’m having are very likely to bacteria from bad food I ate that night when this all started. I’m still a little sore from the procedure  but overall everything was pretty easy (besides the prep, boy that part sucks!) and now I’m about to leave out for vacation to take my little boy to Disney for the first time. I’m so glad I got this done and can have some peace of mind now, perhaps that will help with some of the symptoms I’ve been having as well. I was told I had IBS back when I was younger so I’m just chalking this to that flaring up. Thanks to those of you that kept up and replied. Bless you all 

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