Constant anxiety
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The last couple of months have been so awful with my health anxiety. I have several actual health issues going on. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes went from A1C of 6.6 to last week my A1C was 5.7 they had me on metformin for 2 weeks and I took myself off that it messed my stomach up so bad I was having constant stomach spasms. 23rd I had upper endoscopy and they put me on meds to heal an ulcer they found. I saw a new pulmonologist and he went on about my throat being too narrow and it put me at higher risk for heart attacks and strokes I'm 51. Tonight my throat feels like it's closing up which could be allergies or anxiety. But enough to worry me all the same. They put me on cymbalta which I haven't taken yet because I can't take anything until I'm done with my ulcer meds. I feel overwhelmed. I also have pain in my right upper ribcage that they say is muscular but my head conjures different stories. Health anxiety is about the cruelest joke to have the misfortune of having. The constant worry, fear, and catastrophizing symptoms.
I started out with just anxiety but it's trickled into depression as well this go around. I've had health anxiety for almost 5 years now to top it off covid-19 just intensified my anxiety and created this dark rabbit hole. I know we all are suffering through this pandemic but sometimes you ask yourself when will you get better or feel better. I'm constantly afraid. Yesterday I had to drive 100 miles round trip and that was about the most stressful thing to see this new Dr. I wish I felt hopeful that everything would be OK but I don't right now.
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sasical72 valerie24561
Hi Valerie,
I know exactly how you feel. I have terrible health anxiety and when you have real health issues it just makes it 100 times worse, it's like our worse nightmare come true.
Also with health anxiety you never know what is real and what isn't.
I don't know your age, I'm getting close to 50 so I'm thinking I'll have to accept that my health is going to start doing funky things.
Covid is hard on everyone, but a bit extra hard on health anxiety sufferers.
I know I'm not being helpful but just wanted to let you know you're not alone in what you are feeling
valerie24561 sasical72
real health issues do make health anxiety 100 times worse. I am 51 and I scarcely know anymore how to dig myself out of this anxiety and depression. I've seen a therapist for 4 years and literally not much has changed in terms of me feeling like I'm improving. lately I started having panic attacks and I am so tired of being scared all the time. or being scared of every physical symptom.
sasical72 valerie24561
and I think perimenopause/menopause also makes anxiety 500% worse, so hopefully once that is out of the way things might settle a bit x
valerie24561 sasical72
neither perimenopause or menopause is a factor in my case I had a hysterectomy at 30 so already went through all that already. I'm currently on carafate for stomach ulcer and it's ripped my stomach to shreds and crazy stomach spasms I might call Dr office Monday and ask for alternative meds for it my anxiety is skyrocketing with my stomach so messed up.