Constant anxiety and panic attacks

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hi all,

fairly new to this so im trying all my options to cope with my anxiety and panic disorder. i have suffered with this for over 12 years but have had a rough month with anxiety and panic attacks. i have seen many doctors in the past 30 days, 5 er visits where one was a two night stay. im starting to fear even leaving my house. my doctor just put me on lexapro which i started today. im just constantly always afraid. does anyone ever feel like this? looking to connect with people who suffer this awful illness. my husband is very supportive but i wanted to talk to people who fully understand how awful this is. thank you all

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5 Replies

  • Edited

    Been where you are as many of us have been. If you have had several er visits and tests are all ok. Trust the results. Don't search internet with Dr Google. I have been fighting the fight for over 25 yrs. I have been struggling of late and it sucks. Anytime I physically exert myself i kinda panic and make things worse. I have been on low dose Clonezepam for years and used to help better. Now it seems to just make me tires at my 55 age. I was on Teva brand for years before they discontinued it. After a year or so they brought it back, but it just dont work the same. One thing that helps me is Youtube Self Hypnosis with Thomas Hall. You will feel better and you are blessed to have a husband that helps. Try to relax and think positive thoughts as much as you can. Eat whatever you want to and whenever. Changing your diet will just add more stress. Keep the faith, much love Chris J

    • Edited

      thank you so much for the reply. its very helpful. i will check out the youtube video. Im currently listening to meditation music and practicing breathing techniques to keep calm. im trying to stay off dr google but this patient forum has helped me many times knowing i am not alone.

    • Posted

      Hey, please update me in a few days and let me know how you are. I also would like to know how lexapro works for you as i was thinking about trying it. Stay safe and wishing you the very bestchris j

  • Posted

    I feel the exact same way right now. I haven't left my house in a good three weeks because I feel like the physical symptoms I'm feeling from the anxiety are ruining me. I've missed three different family occasions and I feel super guilty missing them because I never miss them. I finally went to see a doctor and discussed all the symptoms I've been feeling -- tight chest, headaches, body aches, fatigue. This has all been since January and before that I've never experienced physical symptoms of anxiety. I've had chest x-rays, blood tests, urine tests which all came back normal. I almost want to get an EKG because lately I've felt like my heart rate has been abnormally fast. Of course this has lead me to check my pulse every so often to see if it seems fast.

    Anyway, I have my first therapy session tomorrow and my doctor gave me some gabapentin to take for the physical symptoms but I haven't felt any relief from it. Not sure if it's just my mind telling me it's not working or if it's genuinely not working. But yes, I've definitely been in this state of constant fear for a few months. I wake up wondering if I'll get a headache or if my chest is tight or if my breathing feels off. It's one thing after another and I'm just so exhausted from it.

  • Posted

    You are not alone! I have had anxiety and panic attacks for 20+ years now and I know exactly how you feel. At the moment things are bad, but sometimes I have years where things are great and manageable so there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am taking Setraline at the moment and its early days so things are heightened and the attacks are worse - I have barely got the energy and motivation to get dressed. Talking helps and these forums are excellent to know you are not alone in this.

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