Constant bleeding 6 months
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I am 48 next month and know I am perimenopausal, hot flushes etc anyway since Jan I have had constant bleeding some days really heavy. Had a scan found cyst on ovary over 5cm and need a repeat scan next week to see if it's grown. I have been referred urgently to a gyno. However still have to wait a month for appointment. I am just really fed up with the constant bleeding so draining... has anyone experienced this as I am starting to believe their is something seriously wrong going on. Please can you share your experiences. I had an endiometrial eblation about 10 years back due to thickening of the linning of the womb. Much appreciated for your experiences of perimenoause no one seems to be able to tell me if this is normal
Thanks Lisa
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Struggling50 lisa08367
My sister had terrible bad bleeding (flooding) during perimenopause/menopause. She would have periods that lasted for 3weeks out of the month. She would wear 2 super absorbant tampons and a super duty pad all at once and have to change them Many times a day.
One time our mother went shopping with us and many sister was a long time in the department store bathroom.
My mom went in and asked if my sister was OK. My sister said "yes, just changing my feminine hygiene products. But will you bring me some wet paper towels?"
My sister opened the stall door to get the towels from my mother. My sister's hands were covered in blood.
My mother cried out "Oh, my God! You are hemmoraging! We need to go to the hospital!"
My sister said "I've been to the Dr. She said it is just menopause "
This happens to many women.
You need to keep you doctor appointment though to Make sure that everything is OK.
Our bodies are going through so many changes right now. With so many strange and scary and uncomfortable symptoms.
Read through the posts on this sight and you will find many that resonate with you.
I found and continue to find comfort in the fact that I am not alone in this menopause journey.
That other women are experiencing the same symptoms and trials that I am.
See your doctor, definitely.
I hope you find relief soon.
Struggling50 lisa08367
I also have had ovarian cysts. Always on my right ovary. They have always popped.
They have been painful.
Once I had very bad pain in my lower right abdomen. My chiropractor thought it was my appendix.
I went to my General Practitioner Doctor and he did a pelvic exam and said it wasn't my appendix, it was my ovary.
So, he sent me to the hospital and I had an ultrasound, one just scanned over my abdomen and one up inside me.
They showed a large cyst had popped and the whole area was filled with the fluid that was inside the cyst. That fluid was causing the whole area to be irritated and inflammed.
I just had to wait until my body absorbed the fluid for the pain to go away.
But, every woman and every situation is different.
Make sure to see your doctor. Just to make sure that it's not something serious
Take care.
lorraine17633 lisa08367
Hi Lisa I really feel for you last July I had the same thing happen to me but I'm 52 and the bleeding went on for 3 months had a smear and an internal all was normal so doctor put me on the pill to slow it down I'm now only seeing bleeding once every two too three months and then it's really light so I can deal with that maybe ask doctor for birth pills or marina coil
d19606 lisa08367
im so sick of flooding and then clotting then slwing down to thinking ok its stoping to then a day later back to flooding. anyways last year i have this constantly for over six months. then had all the scans what not and was told my womb was thickend by i think they said 15 mm not sure but it was thick then also i have cysts to in my womb lining,they at time just told me to either have a coil or take pills i chose pills which were norethisterone anyways at time i had to take them three times a day for 21 days then have a week off, well i did that for a few weeks my periods stoped and so i took two a day then after a week i took one a day then stoped taking them and i never had a bleed for two months then i had light periods every month then none then over three weeks ago it all started again. so i have a pack of norethisterone in pill box so im now im taking at moment one a day hoping it will sort it i dont want to take three a day as last time i actualy pumhalf a stone on on them. plus i have high blood presure so do t realy want to be taking pills. anyways im going to have to ring hospital up next week and see if i can get my lining burned away. but if i dont have to id rather not. id rather do this naturaly and get through it. at moment wile righting this im yet again havi g the worst period pains and gugling like im yet again going to flood at any moment.
plus im just tierd all the time.its horrid iv deffinatly been heamoraging. anyways i also started taking vitamins and iron so il just have to cope. at least we know we are not alone in this. also i dont know about you but iv been wearing tampons and large pads and also iv bleed through and got it everywere alover hands alover toilet floor bed and through clothes. and im alo very dry inside at same time so when it slows and i think im stoping i cant get tampon out im so dry then next thing woosh. im also feeling dizzy and iv had several moments of nearly toppling over.