Constant brain chatter
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Does anyone deal with constant brain chatter. I feel like my mind is going 100 miles an hour. I am listening in my head to conversations from yesterday, songs and words on repeat. Its never quiet. Its like a radio station that just goes and goes.
Some days i deal with specific intrusive thoughts but this now feels like my brain is misfiring random stuff all day long.
Anyone else struggling with this?
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jan34534 lola2016
Yes! It’s very weird and annoying. Mine can be anything including some random quick memory from something A long time ago that I never normally think about. It’s almost like a flash of that memory. I think that the anxious brain actually does random fire things out that are stored in the brain. it’s very hard to explain to any counselor or a doctor because they can’t see it or hear it.
what I have been doing is practice strengthening my control of my thoughts. I’m starting to do this several times a day so that I can be in charge and not the intrusive thoughts. I practice being in the moment meditations. You focus on one thing so for example I close my eyes as I’m sitting outside and I only think about and focus on what I’m hearing in the moment. If my mind wanders to other thoughts, I’ll bring it right back to what I am hearing. The more you do that the more you gain control of your thoughts. It’s really interesting.
lola2016 jan34534
Thanks so much for your reply. At times i feel like im going totally insane which is my biggest fear.
How do you deal with this random chatter noise at night? When i go to bed or when im trying to relax during the day i feel like its random misfiring of words and conversations i heard during the day. I could be hearing the conversation i had with my mom saying 'did you buy that' or i could hear my husband saying something else. Its so hard to describe it, its like random words/conversations from the day on repeat, or sometimes it could just be random words repeating. It scares the crap out of me. I feel like its easy to do it with intrusive thoughts as they are scary and you can recognize them easy, but its this random chatter and noises that i find hard to tolerate. Its like my brain doesnt know how to relax, its just looking to keep going. Do you also deal with the same thing?
jan34534 lola2016
yes i deal with all you have said. ive had anxiety since childhood and there was no reason for it. my parents were wonderful! so there is a genetic component also and my dad had it to a lesser extent. mine was inherited, lucky me. so dont think you are going crazy cuz unfortunetly this is very common.....the brain pops, the random words, phrases etc its a brain on overdrive.
the thing you can do is try to relax your mind as much as you can and as often as you can. THE more we get upset or fight it, the worse it gets.
are you feeling anxious in general or only when this happens?
If you are always feeling anxious, I would recommend speaking with a counselor. they see patients every day with the same issues going on. I do virtual counseling once a week which helps.
the method of being present in the moment meditations help not only with intrusive thoughts but with the sudden brain pops. The intrusive thoughts and the brain pops are both caused by the overactive brain due to anxiety.
When we can get some control, they Will eventually lessen. They may not go away 100% but it will be a lot better. that’s where a counselor can help.
i used to get only be intrusive thoughts, but then in the last few years the brain pops started. I know how frustrating it is and scary. it makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world with this going on because nobody else seems to understand.
But I would say that once the generalized anxiety is settled down, that’s when things start to improve.
So we have to work at what the root cause is which is anxiety and the random thoughts are a symptom of the anxiety.
at Times, some people have to try a medication. Everybody’s different. I hope you get some relief soon! ❤
lola2016 jan34534
Yes i have a lot of anxiety. I had a very bad health scare that triggered a fear for me of going crazy. So now all i ever do is analyze my thoughts. I live in my head 24/7. I feel like i have conversations in my head, i go over conversations and things too, and on top of that whenever i am not in my head, my brain is constantly firing these random words and phrases. It could be things i heard from the day, or things that make no sense at all. Is this all normal? My brain is going 100 miles an hour. I tried to do meditation but freaked out because the internal chatter i was sort of having freaked me out. I am now freaked out over all things and almost want to shut down my inner voice.
I am waiting to speak to a therapist, hoping that will help.
Do you feel the same? Does your brain just race all the time?
jan34534 lola2016
yes my brain wants to race all day long but I have started to take charge of that.
I also lived in my head for many years and it really did make things worse. I finally started to work on that little by little. It’s still a work in progress but it’s getting a little better.
I learned that when we live in our head and constantly analyze things, it actually it changes the brain to where our first thoughts go to the negative. It becomes a habit that gets very strong.
I learned that all of those thoughts that we analyze and ruminate about are truly just illusion because they are not based on fact but only Emotion. and emotion is not based on fact.
so The constant living in our head is actually hurting us.!
its very important that we get out of our heads and get busy with living our life! The counselor should be able to help you with this. But definitely bring it up to the counselor. there is a good book called finding quiet that helped me a lot. also you can find a lot of information on YouTube videos about brain chatter, unwanted thoughts and what to do about them. have a great day.