Constant catarrh & anxiety attacks
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hi I have been going through the menopause last 2 years I mostly just been suffering with hot flushes but over the last couple of months I've had awful catarrh that just doesn't clear, I' started to feel quite unwell so I went to the doctor's for blood tests etc everything was clear but after a week it got worse and I started feeling very very unwell as if I had a bug and I know there has been a bug in the household so I didn't know if it was that but I was connected to the awful feeling I had in my throat and ended up in A&E where they did a scan and a X-Ray and everything was perfectly normal I'm wondering if it is to do with the menopause and the doctors are saying that I'm feeling like this because I'm having an anxiety attack and anyone else experience this, I was convinced I was dying I felt that ill 😥
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laurie19311 nicola14112
Hi Nicola! Yes, I know exactly how you are feeling. I have had a lot more symptoms than you, but it does make you feel so unwell that you feel as if you are dying, Anxiety, especially health anxiety, is very much prevalent in perimenopause. I have it constantly and it does make you feel horrible! It can produce so many symptoms on top of what you already have with peri! Mine gives me a lot of symptoms, but it makes me absolutely fatigued, achy, shaky, tense, stomach issues, and a whole lot more! Please know that you aren't alone! Hugs to you!
aliska laurie19311
Hi - It is awful !
Are you on meds to help support your symptoms ?
My left arm continually hurts aches and hands tingle with pins + needles at times in both hands .
Get bouts of heavy tiredness too .
happy to chat x
laurie19311 aliska
Hi! No, I am not on any medicine. I have tried in the past and the effects were just too much. I do take vitamins and do meditation and yoga. The meditation does help, when I remember to do it, lol! I do get the pins and needles throughout my body. Yes, the fatigue is horrible! There are literally times where I will be doing something and get hit by it and I have to lay down right that moment. I feel like I am walking through molasses most of the time and everything saps the energy from me. I did a post recently on my symptoms. You can check it out if you like long reads, lol! I am always happy to chat to! Reach out if you have any questions! Hugs!
aliska laurie19311
Hi ...
Thanks for your messages .. it is good that there are others out there who can relate to what you are going through 😉
aliska nicola14112
Hi .. yes have every sympathy with you ..
know exactly what you mean ... but with meds am better but the Phlem/ Cattaragh is awful in the mornings .
Have had months of nausia and sickness but that has thankfully passed - and like yourself ended up In A+E with every blood test being taken that showed clear .
Am on HRT gel + tablet + Sertraline (5/6 years now on that) and propananol- for the panic + anxiety...feels like I've finally turned the corner .. Am wondering if you are on any meds ? impossible to get through it alone without supportive therapy in some way .
Also take acidophilus and oil of evening Primrose .. feels like am making progress with this combination of meds + suppliments:)
happy to chat x
Thank you all, it's reassuring that I'm not alone, I'm not taking anything for it, the doctor this morning offered my anti depressants but I don't want to start taking those, so I'm going to see about getting HRT, I think it's worth trying xx
mamamia03 nicola14112
Hi, I was exactly the same, felt like I was choking sometimes, it got so bad. My doctor sent me for endoscopy and had all the usual tests. All clear of anything sinister thank god. What we did discover is I have digestive issues brought on by hormonal changes since perimenopause started! She has me on a stomach tablet, and the difference is huge! Ask your doctor about it
jaynie08827 mamamia03
if u dont mind me asking what are u onfor ur stomach?? i been on nexium but lately i been throwing up in my sleep ( what sleep i do get) and my stomach has just been awful burning ..the nexium helpswith the acid reflux but not the burning and nausea...thanks..hugs...
nicola14112 mamamia03
I've been given tablets for acid reflux, I've just started taking them so we'll see if they make any difference, I feel a lot calmer now, it's been the worse week of my life, I genuinely thought I was dying it's awful, i'm going to work today so fingers crossed I can get through the day with no panic attacks x
jola24118 jaynie08827
Hi Janie, I went through "GERD" face with burning stomach and found that Nexium did not work for me finally tried Claritin and Pepsid and it helped. I think this has something to do with estrogen and histamine, basically hormone imbalance. I hope this help. Cheers
aliska nicola14112
Ok.. look after yourself ..