Constant Dizziness When Walking Or Standing

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please help... Im a 33 year old, semi fit male. ive recently been dealing with a plethora of symptoms from brain fog, to dizziness or instability feeling when walking or standing. My doctor believes it is Anxiety or Stress induced from my nursing program. Im still able to function but things that used to be easy are suddenly 10x more difficult. I constantly worry that im dealing with some sort of Neuro disorder or that im never going to feel like my oldself again. I definitely suffered a mental burnout or exhaustion last semester but my doctor has me on 75 mg of sertraline and that has nipped all of my symptoms except for this lingering constant dizziness or unstable feeling in my head. Does anyone else have anything like this or has overcome this. Im currently still in my program and thriving but its more effort than ever. Im taking vitamins B12, C, D3, and a multivitamin. Im trying to exercise where and when i am able to. ive also increased my fluid intake. However fast forward 6 months and im still dizzy most days

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4 Replies

  • Edited

    yes, stress and anxiety can produce all sorts of symptoms including dizziness. Try to relax your mind as much as possible. I know it’s probably difficult in your nursing program but do things that calm down your mind such as proper breathing for anxiety, listen to relaxing meditations for anxiety on YouTube,

    try not to overthink things.

    I was also in a nursing program and completely stressed out. I didn’t learn about managing stress and anxiety for years after that.

    is there anyway you can speak with a counselor? Not sure if you are away at college but there’s always counselors you can talk to there. If you were at home, you could find a counselor and possibly do a virtual appointment. It’s always helpful to talk to somebody else who can help you manage this.

    one thing I did learn was that nothing, absolutely nothing is worth losing our health over.there are ways to help manage stress and anxiety. I do hope you find the support that you need.

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      Thank you,

      im definitely talking to people and controlling what I can control. Im not worrying or stressing myself out like I used to. Im now working on managing things and having a different perspective on how I approach things. Just wish this dizziness would go away.

    • Posted

      The best way to go away is to truly accept that for now you are dizzy. The more you wish it to go away, the more you fight it, the longer it will stay.

      It's the same with all the anxiety symptoms, once we TRULY accept them they disappear, easier said than done, I know.

  • Edited

    Hi Marc

    I am struggling with EXACTLY the same thing! I feel unsteady when I'm on my feet all the time. The thing you said about being able to function but everything feels 10 x more difficult is, again, exactly how I'm feeling. I'm a bit older than you, but consider myself physically quite fit and I quite a physically and mentally demanding job. My GP also things its anxiety. I have had a very stressful time lately as well. I am trying to find little victories everyday, but its hard. I am sorry I can't give you any more practical advice to help with the dizziness, I know how awful it is, but I just wanted you to know that apparently its quite a common problem amongst anxious people. I guess I just wanted to say that you are not alone. I wish you well x

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