Constant feeling of UTI
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For a long time I have had a feeling of having a UTI and also stinging when passing urine. Have had lots of urine tests all negative so doctor has given me estriol vaginal cream I have no discharge or bleeding just this terrible uncomfortable feeling. My doctor said it was a very weak cream and didn't xpect it to give me any problems. have to insert this cream every night for a week then three nights a week for two weeks then once every week ongoing. I have just finished the week of nightly and will start three times a week on Monday Wednesday and Friday. I suppose it is a bit better but still there and I think it has given me a headache with flashing lights. Not all the time but did today - better now. I spoke to a nurse who said it would take at least a month until I felt any better.
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nanc00951 olive8
About a year and a half ago, I went through a period of time where, if I had to urinate and I happen to be driving, I could barely hold my urine. It would hurt and feel so weird that I could not get to a bathroom fast enough.
I also would have days with weird feelings as if a UTI was coming on , but never had one.
I never got any creams or anything, this phase finally passed. Now I know it was most likely a perimenopause symptom.
olive8 nanc00951
I think it probably was because I have had bother with UTI's for a long time and my doctor said it was post menopausal conditions I am a bit older than you. I never wanted to take oestrogen creams but he assured me the dose was so small he didn't expect me to get symptoms at all. Well I do I get headaches and didn't until I started to use the cream. Not all the time but annoying because I get flashing lights too he said it was silent migrane I was getting.
t74985 olive8
Hi Olive
May I ask, what did the Dr say this issue is? Vaginal Atrophy, by any chance?
I’m using Estradiol .01% topically on outside of my vaginal area. I have had UTI infections, but also clean urine tests at Urologist. Yet still had horrible bladder and pelvic, vaginal discomforts.
Both my Urologist & Gyn said loss of Estrogen can cause loss of elasticity and moisture for Urethra, bladder, inside/outside of vaginal areas. Your urethra can shrink a bit, this can cause trapped urine and infections. It also can cause painful bladder, vaginal & pelvic areas.
I’m curious if this is your issue? It is mine.
olive8 t74985
Yes it is it sounds the very same. I was getting so fed up of these UTI feelings I had to do something and previously would never have contemplated using an oestrogen cream. The stinging sensation when using the toilet also makes me feel like my inside is falling down and feels like that for a time after. Do you put the cream into your vaginal area with an applicator. I wouldn't say the feeling is properly gone and the feeling round about the ovaries after I used the cream wasn't very pleasant. I would rather not use the cream at all but what other options would there be. My GP said it was a very weak oestrogen cream and would not be absorbed into the bloodstream. I have a very busy life our son took the worst form of MS and his father and I look after him.
t74985 olive8
I’m so sorry you’re son has MS. It must be a very difficult and emotionally challenging time for your family. Now you are dealing with the issues we have in common as well. I’m sorry.
I also have the pressure and feeling like my insides are coming out/down. I was checked for bladder/vaginal prolapse, and it’s negative, thank God. I do not insert the cream vaginally. I only use it topically around my genital area...just a small dab of the product at bedtime. It is helping a little bit, I’ve used it for a little more than a week. Might I suggest you see a Urologist also. You may need a Bladder Cystoscopy and Urethra dialation. It can help chronic urinary infections common in menopause. Good luck with your son and try to care for you also. ??💐
olive8 t74985
thank you it is as you say challenging at the best of times without this. I think I should have seen about my problem a while ago I have been bothered by this since last September maybe before but only saw about it a week ago. I have used the cream for a week I am now down to three times weekly and that will start on Monday. I don't have a prolapse either the doctor did examine me. I think right now it is a bit better until I stand for any length of time.
Hope we both get to the bottom of this and start to feel better soon.
Best wishes
mary27278 olive8
Wow! Olive8 I am going through the same thing... Its been on and off for months but lately its been some weeks now consistently. The frequent urination , burning, irritation and dryness is driving me up the wall. I go to the bathroom like every 30 minutes, all day long. I do drink water constantly but Im wondering where is all this water coming from? I went to a new GYN doctor in Feb only because i couldn't get into my regular one soon enough. She ran all kinds of nonsense test, I just got the bill yesterday and had no idea that she ran all of those test and now im stuck with this big bill for nothing. I had no uti, no std, no yeast, no candida, etc. When I went to my regular gynecology she only did a uti culture and said that its starving for hormones, low estrogen.
My hormone doctor just started me on biodentical vaginal estrogen a few days ago, and it is giving me a headache too. As soon as I put it on I got a headache and bloating me like crazy. Don't know how long i will be able to tolerate the side effect...