Constant Flu/Sinus Issues
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I'm a 22 year old, male, 186cm/80kg, healthy, fit, active, student.
Ever since I was 19, I've had serious problems which seem to be like reccurent Flu / Sinus infections.It's like I always have the flu, it never really goes away but just abates gradually before it flares back up. I've been tested for everything, Glandular Fever, STDs, Vitamin and Mineral levels, you name it, I've been tested for it. The only things which occasionally come up are 'Chest Abnormalities' which get scanned and then seem fine, and occasionally a 'Low White Blood Cell Count' which is dismissed as being due to being ill. I always feel better in the Summer, and worse in the Winter. I've taken anti-histamines and anti-allergies long term, which never does anything, and always just get diagonsed with sinusitis and am given antibiotics, which usually take three courses to work. I've tried saline sprays, steriod sprays, nothing ever works, my doctors latest diagnosis is that im 'Down and Depressed', welyeah, after having the flu for 3 years, is it any surprise?! I've had allergy tests for Gluten, Dairy and Peanuts and all came back negative.
This year, since about October, it's been the worst it has ever been, especially these past 3 weeks.
Here are my symptoms:
Constant headache, it comes and goes, sometimes throbbing on forehead, othertimes the temples, usually a general feeling of pain on the top of my head, almost feels as if my skull is too small and its like the pressure of my brain pushing out. I get dizzy when I stand up too quick, and occasionally have to sit down/hold the surface so that I don't fall over. My nose is always blocked, but really high up, and it drops back down into my throat, meaning I always have a sore throat and tongue. I frequently get conjunctivitis/wake up with gooey eyes, and my ears always ring/are sore/pop as if I'm on an aeroplane. When I'm not feeling good, I'm often disoriented, slur some of my words, struggle to concentrate, and have this desire to just curl up in a ball, the light makes them worse, so some days after waking up and getting dressed I just have to go back to bed for the day.
I seem to always feel unrefreshed when I wake up, and 8 hours sleep just doesn't feel like enough, I need 12 to feel even vaguely human - and 90% of the time I'm just absolutely exhausted.
I also get awful acid-reflux/heartburn whenever I'm feeling really bad,
I recently went for a CT scan of my sinuses; and they said that my sinuses weren't blocked at all - infact they were normal. And this is consistant with me never actually having any pressure pain to the touch like one normall does with Sinus Infections.
I'm basically at my wits end. My Doctor seems to be out of suggestions, and meanwhile I'm in FInal Year of University and I'm falling behind on work, have no social life and am really feeling quite depressed and never being able to do anything - but I'm 100% sure that this is caused BY the physical symptoms; not versa! Because days when I wake up feeling better, that alone puts me in the best mood.
Please, if anyone has any suggestions or has had a similar experience - help me.
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taha_saeed jTH074
lori95865 jTH074
lori95865 jTH074
sylvia12610 jTH074
lori95865 sylvia12610
airin_fidy13961 jTH074
I started to feel disturbed when i was in junior high, i always think i am alergic to low temperature (under 20'C) but then i realize i'm fine if its cold and dry so i think its about the humidity
I can't stop sneezing and get all the flu things every morning and stopped when the weather temperature is getting warmer and dry
And when its rainy season i am as dying as you in winter, but i always try to stop the flu getting worse by washing my face with only water and wipe it with clean towel as dry as i can. And yep, its getting better, at least the sneeze stopped.
And i'm kind of alergic to cat's fur and everything which shaped similiar with that, like MY OWN HAIR, the flu triggered when my nose interacted with those things
Maybe you have same alergic problem like me
When your head get dizzy after you stand up too quick, don't worry(many people had this situation), its not related to the flu, you may get anemia, check your blood pressure
About your sleep time, you may have a wrong position when you sleep, it makes you feel tired when you wake up. Google its not a really serious problem
*when i get flu, i cant stop sneeze, swollen and itchy eyes, and spend a lot of tissue
Thats all i want to share with you, sorry for my 'bad english'
mariam00370 jTH074
im suffering from flu since like 5 years ago it comes and it goes in the same day and it feels better in the summer as well .. it feels less when i move and make an effort but it still comes back
i feel it depends on how i'm feelin sometimes or if i hated what i do it really becomes worst and also if i stay at home it kills i should be out and its weird that i feel well at night but in the morning and the afternoon im all pale and sick and sometimes the opposite .......... God cure us ..
dominic84343 jTH074
I'm a 42 year old man who's having similar conditions. Putting it in perspective I've always had slight issues like brain fog, slight oversensitivity to heat and cold, lack of energy. But 4 years ago they came on with a vengeance. Most of the symptoms you describe were there, very tired - like just got up and needed to go to sleep, terrible muscle soreness and pain, aching and crackling joints, very disoriented, and terrible anxiety - like everything was out to get me all the time. Totally understand what you mean about skull being too small - feels like brain trying to pop out.
I've had blood tests - including liver, white cell count, HIV, hepatitis, chlamydia - the only thing they reveal is borderline hypothyroid. I'm awaiting an allergy test.
What I can say, is that I completely cut out gluten and feel round 70% better for it.
The constant exhaustion has diminished to just being quite low in energy and grumpy and anxiety has lessened considerably. The muscle and joint pains are vastly improved - I can get about much better. I was going feverish whenever I drank alcohol, thought this was a guten thing, but have now cut it out completely.
I'm doing some yoga and meditation, deep breathing and regular reasonable exercise followed by meditation and relaxation help immensely.
However, haven't worked for last 2 years, so don't know how I'll fair hen back in it. If anyone else has any breakthroughs do tell us, cos I'm not out of the woods yet, but as I say am greatly improved. With shared insights we all might help each other.
bev16002 jTH074
Hi, was just reading your post and felt I could have written it myself. Your symptoms and mine are so similiar. I realize you wrote this some time ago and am curious as to if you have found any helpful answers? I have been living in this ongoing flu like state for so long that I think ! am living in the movie 'Groundhog Day'. I do believe this is somehow all connected to a Thyroid condition and fatigued Adrenal glands, but aquiring the proper tests for this is an expensive challenge where I live. Typical Thyroid tests only give part of the information necessary and because there is such a large range considered normal, many people are not correctly diagnosed. I do hope you have found some relief, and I am still searching.
caliblueyes jTH074
xpt56288 jTH074
all i can ADD is to first get your eyesight checked and secondly make routine and stick to that routine and thirdly cut out anything which is Sour fizzy or citrus this does includes citrus fruits as well ... try it for a month i hope this will contribute positively
anon_private jTH074