Constant headaches/migraines for the last 6 years...

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I am 19 years old and have been suffering from constant headaches/migraines that have been ongoing for over 6 years now. The pain that they cause usually ranges from bearable where I am able to block the throbbing feeling, to extreme pain where I cry and am unable to focus on anything. My doctor and the neurologists over the years have not been helpful as they have been unsuccessful in finding out what my problem is. My doctor has said that stress may be the cause and when I am not stressed anymore the headaches/migraines would stop. The only thing that I don't understand about this is that I can't be stressed 24/7. The neurologist I visited in January told me that my problem may be 'New daily persistent headache' or 'Chronic migraines'.

I have been given various different medications. Gone for many neurologist appointments with not much success. I have had a CAT and MRI scan done, but the results did not show anything unusual. I stopped taking any medication prescribed by doctors as they do not help with relieving the pains of my migraines. The current way that I deal with the problem is that sometimes; music, going for walks or even just sitting outdoors can help.

The migraines have caused me to suffer from back and muscle pains. When I find my migraines are at their worst I am unable to concentrate, think and feel completely drained. My headaches/migraines make me feel quite nauseous and make my eyes quite sensitive to the light. In the last month my eyes have been 'blacking-out' for about 5-10 second periods where I begin to feel really dizzy and sick. This has happened before, but in the last month have become quite regular. The headaches/migraines make it hard for me to remember things, as my focus is on the pain that I am in. When the migraine pain gets really unbearable I can't help but cry because I have no idea what to do. It is at times like this that I usually try to fall asleep as that would usually help in making me feel a bit better.

This issue has made it really difficult for me during my education, as I find it really hard to concentrate in lessons. It was also due to this problem that I had to redo a year of college, as I wasn't able to do the exams well. The issue is really bothering me as I am hoping to go to university in September and don't want the headaches/migraines to affect my education there.

I would really gratefully appreciate if anyone can give me any answers as to how to relieve some of the pain or things that have worked for them.


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3 Replies

  • Posted

    This is a terrible situation for you, Jessie. First, can your GP refer you to a pain management clinic? Some are attached to neurology departments of various hospitals. It's worth a try. It's not easy to know what can be the cause of head pains such as these, but you do mention that being outside helps. This tells me that there may be an issue with where you live or work. Try looking up Sick Building Syndrome, and see if any pieces of the jigsaw may fit. It may also be of value to scrutinise anything you eat or drink or any product you use in the bathroom as many products may not cause allergic reactions but can still cause intollerance. Something else which crosses my mind.... You speak of your vision blacking out.... Do you mean grey-out?? In other words you lose sight for a moment but do not lose consciousness.  If it helps, a grey-out can look like clouds which are coffee coloured or greyish. If so, this might indicate a circulatory issue in the brain. Have you had a CT scan showing blood vessels in the area around the base of the skull to see if there is any possible stenosis. It's a thought. Once the cause is discovered, correct treatment can begin. Good luck with this. I hope things swiftly improve.


  • Posted

    Hi Jessie,

    I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering like this and especially at such a young age when you should be enjoying life to the full.

    I suffer from a rare headache disorder which doesn't behave in quite the same way as you describe but in the end my local Neurologist referred me to the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and this was the best thing that ever happened to me - whilst not cured, I now can function pretty normally on a day to day basis.  It may be worth trying to get a referral.

    Meanwhile, though, I agree with novembersong's reply - try and establish if there are any foods/environments which make you worse.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you find some relief and soon.


  • Posted

    hey jessie, please look at my reply to the thread "severe headaches getting me down".  sounds like you have a mast cell H2-3 receptor dysfunction. it may be treatable with subcutaneous injections of histaglobulin. it's working for me...


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