Constant indigestion

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No matter what I eat I have constant indigestion even water triggers it, anti acids don't work. I feel sick all the time.

If I eat it hurts if I don't it hurts! I get sharp stabbing pains around both my upper and lower abdomen and stomach pain and constant burning around my stomach.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    That sounds famliar but I don't have Burning and my stomach area. I do however get the sharp pains and my upper and lower abdomen mainly after eating but it can carry on to a lesser degree all day. stress is definitely a trigger but then head the intestinal cramps not started in the first place it wouldn't be an issue. I hope you get to the bottom of it.
  • Posted

    Hi natalie06538

    Ask your doc to check you for Hpylori you have all the wishes...

  • Posted

    Hey Natalie have you Tried mastic gum? It helped me get rid of my same thing that you right about. You can get it at Health food And vitamin store's and Apple cider vinegar will help your stomach and restore your pH balance. I think they will help. Take the mastic gum after meals one morning and night. Take the Apple cider vinegar whenever your indigestion flares up. I hope this helps. If it dose please pass it on and let me know. Good luck
    • Posted

      Kevin do you think h pylori could be behind upper AND lower pains? I ask as imagine you used mastic gum to cure H P? 

      I have some at home so wondering if I should try mine too..

    • Posted

      Why yes it can.. if let go it keeps growing up the asafigs and all down the colon. Are you on a good proebyatic and enzyme for digetion?
    • Posted

      Hi. Yes I am on a probiotic and do have enzymes BUT that in itself won't kill the h pylori will it? I went to start on mastic then read it's a NO NO If you have sibo small intestinal bacterial overgrowth so I worried maybe I need to rule that out pre starting mastic.

      Kevin how were you diagnosed with HP? Breath test or blood?

      Thank you

    • Posted

      oh gawd dunno what I said to make my comment moderated???...

      anywAy how were you diagnosed Kevin? Was it breath or blood test?

      im concerned to start mastic in case I may have SIBO

    • Posted

      I had a blood test done that determine I Hade 1000 parts per million and your right one part of a cure may not help but it may help. If you think it's not for you that's OK. What every you decide. Good luck.
    • Posted

      You may even need to get check for celiac disease to see if you're gluten intolerant. You would better of taking the raw Apple cider vinegar every day along with the mastic gum, the food Enzyme and the probiotic.
  • Posted

    Just posted some more information I've learned about Apple Cider Vinegar (the raw, unfiltered version).

    If I were you I'd try taking at least a teaspoon... more if you can stand it)  BEFORE every meal not wait for a flare up. In orfer for it to do it's job and help with digestion it needs to be in your system prior to eating.

    Make sure the label says "raw, unfiltered". Most do not and you do not want this version.

  • Posted

    Hi all, thank you so much for all the advice I will have a look at trying Apple vinger and the gum, I had bloods done this morning and a few other samples too so will hopefully know something in few days.
  • Posted

    Similar symptoms proved to be a Gaul stone lodged in my liver bile duct felt had iron ball in my stomach  w
  • Posted

    Hi Natalie

    How have you been?

    I'm having indigestion myself after eating

    I'm not a medical specialist but these are the things helped me (I'm still having pains but not as much as before)

    1 tsp of manuka honey 20-30 before meals

    Don't drink anything while eating

    Eat small portions (I eat from 7am to 7pm, 5-6 small meals)

    Keep a food diary

    Ginger root tea and camomile tea after meals (make sure it's not too hot)

    Dont drink anything too hot or cold (as this can make your stomach work harder and will cause pain or gloating)

    I wish u all the luck, CB

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