Constant knee pain and locking up

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Hiya had a prob as a kid where if I was kneeling down and twisted my knee woud lock up in herendos pain , has not happened in years but I'm now 34 and my knee is server pain and if I sit say on the chair when I go to Stand or lift my leg it feels like the knee is pulling apart

A few days ago I was at work tryed to Stand and the pain was teh feeling as when I was younger and felt like it was going to lock out on me

Shoutd for a few of my coleges to lift me up slowly and went to A&e that basicly told me there's nothing wrong also my partner is now saying that ' it's a coincidence ur getting whin I want to do sumthing ' post me off to say the least so called my mum ( sad I know !) And asked her to tell missis about my knew as a kid

Any how docs can't find nout but pain is alot worse and constant ,tryed knee braces but not helping at all

Has anyone had this and know what's its called


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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Did they xray it when you went A&E is the knee swollen or inflamed, have you been to your DR's with it

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      Had x-ray but showed up nothing at all and he's not inflamed or swollen I've been to doctors about it and I don't really know what's going on there because they can't feel anything andthey're not overly concerned about it

    • Posted

      Xrays don't show everything like tears and muscle damage, it could be yoy have just sprained it slightly, you could try icing it with a bag of peas, remember to put something between your skin and any thing frozen, twisting or kneeling on it will cause pain.

    • Posted

      I think that's how the problem will my HGV mechanic can always get an up and down on my knees and twisting and bending but I've had this for years now it's just seems to be escalating get a hell of a lot worse

    • Posted

      You have to remember your getting older, worst part about some jobs they cause repetitive strain injuries over the years which can increase your risk of arthritis, sadly age and health, one too much and the other too little effect us all in varying degrees, wait and see what MRI says, I have a bad knee but its referred from hip they reckon
  • Posted

    Ex ray, catscan, mri ?
    • Posted

      Had x-ray but showed up nothing at all and he's not inflamed or swollen I've been to doctors about it and I don't really know what's going on there because they can't feel anything andthey're not overly concerned about it

      They said they're going to put me in for an MRI scan but as case of water waiting for it

  • Posted

    My son had knee pain and symptoms as a young man and the diagnosed Osgood-Schlatters Disease.
  • Posted

    Well I feel your frustration wish I had an answer! I have had knee pain on and off due to arthritis but lately it is bursitis too! Hard to detect I think when there are other issues related to bones! This PRK Replacement was due to arthritis and a meniscus tear and a leaking Baker's cyst in the back of knee it was missed initially because the Ortho doc thought it was just arthritis! I later went to my PCP and he order a MRI that is where we landed with needing surgery! So keep talking to your PCP and let him guide your health care in the right direction! Good luck'

  • Posted

    Years ago I ripped meniscus and was in horrible pain. Simple surgery. Felt fine. The MRI showed tear. I don't know where you are, but you must be your own personal advocate. Speak up and keep requesting an MRI. From what I have read here, in the U.K. the wait to see an orthopedic doctor is long. Here in the states, we can shop around and look for the best doctor for our knees.

    Ice, elevate and gently move your knee. Sitting still isn't good, you have to try to move.

    Keep us posted


  • Posted

    Docs will start with an x-ray which can be inconclusive.  Then they go to an MRI which can also be inconclusive.  I had that happen to me FOUR times.  On each occasion, the ortho scoped the knee.  Found two meniscus tears and t2wo femoral condyle cartilages ripped off.  Fout ops, four fixes...none of which showed up on the imaging.  Sometimes, the picture tells you nothing and they have to go in to find the problem.

    PS:  Friday ops in all cases.  Rested over the weekends. Used a cryocuff at work on Monday/Tuesday.  Simple ops.

  • Posted

    Xrays on show bone not soft tissue damage, you need and mri for that. It sounds like cartilage damage. Get to a sports medicine Dr or physical therapist. They are better at this type of diagnosis than ER docs.

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