Constant nausea, swallowing mucus, sometimes pain- what could it be?

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I've had this problem for several years now, and I honestly can't take much more.

The biggest issue is the nausea. I hate throwing up, and I hate feeling as if I'm going to throw up. I tend to spend most of the time sick to my stomach, rarely actually vomiting. There have been times in the past that I have thrown up, however, and it would happen several times in a row (ex: I would throw up three of four times before an episode was over).

This might be too much information, but one of those times I threw up tomatoes (I'd had chili that night...). They didn't seem to really be digested. I can also remember one other time throwing up boiled hot dogs shortly after eating them. I'd gotten sick to my stomach, and my aunt made me drink alka-seltzer water, thinking it would help and shortly after I puked.

The other times aren't as well remembered, nor was the food as identifiable.

It's not all food related, however, which is what makes it extra daunting. For example, I woke up today and have been sick to my stomach ever since. I haven't eaten anything yet and I've been afraid to. I had a slight burning feeling between my ribs a little while ago which is gone now. That doesn't happen usually. I have had sharp pains in the rib area before, however, which were different from the burning sensation, but those are also pretty rare occurrences. Being sick to my stomach even when I haven't eaten happens quite often.

I caught a cold this week, and I still have a very slight cough. Today, whenever I cough it feels like I'm going to throw up. I've actually retched a couple of times mid-cough today.

I have also noticed overtime that I have to swallow mucus in the back of my throat a lot. I also have a similar problem with my nose.

I also have an issue with bad gas as well as going to the bathroom being painful sometimes (extremely horrible cramps) which seems like a separate issue from the nausea to me but I have no idea.

Sometimes acid also comes up my throat. It's hard to say exactly how often, although I should probably start keeping track of all this. It happens somewhat frequently, I guess.

A lot of people, including my retired family physician, have suggested acid reflux. But I feel like it's more than that? I don't know how much of all this could be related to just that, only the nausea and acid seem like they would be. Gallbladder has also been suggested by family members, and my dad had his removed (he was frequently vomiting). IBS has also been suggested.

I thought I would list all my symptoms in one place and see what people suggested. I honestly can't afford to go to the doctor at the moment or I would. I'm purely miserable. I also suffer anxiety and panic attacks, and my aunt claims her ex husband's acid reflux caused his panic attacks (the husband and I are not related).

Thank you for taking the time to read this. The website format is hard to type with on mobile (for me, anyways) so this took awhile to write. I truly appreciate any ideas or suggestions about what is causing this all to happen. Also, if it helps knowing my age, I'm 22.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    You would really need to get to a Doctor, to get a few tests could have Hiatus Hernia, it can make you vomit, or you could have H-Plori infection.. .it can cause nausea,,and lots of other symptoms...but these can all be treated, so it really should be your first priority, to find out what is causing all will be treated, and get peace of mind...I am recovering from H-Pylori stomach is still sore, if I eat spicy food, but the undigested food in your stomach, sounds more like Hiatus Hernia, where the food cant get down into your stomach, to you just vomit it back up...I have 2 friends with this complaint....and they have symptoms like that....vomiting, the is on treatment now, and is feeling heartburn, no vomiting, and can eat anything...take

    • Posted

      What medication were prescribed to you for HPylori?

  • Posted

    I have acid reflux and do not get the symptoms you are describing. It sounds like gastritis, or h pylori. You could also ask about gallbladder trouble since your dad had this. Also ask about gastroparesis which causes vomiting due to delayed stomach emptying. Try to save up for a doctor as soon as possible because frequent vomiting will cause you to lose nutrients. In the meantime, try to eat blandly and maybe try liquidized food or meal replacement drinks. Avoid the foods you know caused trouble.

  • Posted

    sounds like maybe you're gallbladder because I had these symptoms for about a year or more but went to the doctor because of bad pain in my stomach and found out that that I had a hernia and to make a long story short the hernia was from throwing up and that was because my gallbladder was bad so they took it out and problem solved. Funny that I had an ultrasound done just a few weeks before and it said that my gallbladder was ok but the dr sent me for a different test to where I had to drink this stuff and then they took pictures.

    • Posted

      When the gall bladder is removed, does one need to be on medications for the rest of life? Is it possible to lead normal life without an organ? Thanks.

    • Posted

      Sounds like a HIDA scan that checks the function of the gallbladder which an ultrasound does not do. It only will show gallbladder problems such as gallstones.

    • Posted

      In some cases you may develop bile acid malabsorption which requires medication to regulate your bile salts. Sometimes you can develop IBS because abdominal surgery can disturb the sensitive nerves in the abdomen. Some people don't have any problems at all after the surgery and they only need to reduce or avoid fatty foods.

    • Posted

      No I had mine removed about 10 years ago and I don't take anything for it. My mother my dad my daughter and my son all had theirs removed and they don't take anything either

  • Posted

    You have been suffering for a long time but cannot affford to see a doctor. If you go to any hospital emergency room they must give you proper diagnosis and treatment even if you cannot pay or have no insurance. Don't wait until it's too late.

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