Constant Nauseous Stomach Pain for 3 weeks, but not sure why.

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Ever since March 4th (Nearly 3 weeks now) I've had a constant nauseous stomach pain after eating a lot of popcorn at 1am while I was watching a show, I didn't lie down or go to bed until like 3 hours after I had eaten the popcorn. Sometimes the pain is barely noticeable at all but other times it makes me feel terrible. I usually burp a lot with it aswell as it feels like trapped wind and when the pain is terrible it can get better after I burp a few times but the stomach ache would still be there but just less painful, when I burp acid reflux occurs aswell but it's rather random. I've also noticed that I'd wake up everyday with a dry mouth, I also wake up once between 4-6am every night but I always fall asleep again rather quickly within 5 minutes so it hasn't affected my sleeping that much. 

Last Monday (19th March) I went to see my GP about it and he said it's probably nothing and gave me Buscopan which is supposed to reduce the pain although it hasn't helped at all with the pain, I've also tried Gaviscon but the constant pain was still there, although it didn't hurt as much. 

For some context I'm 18 and sitting my final exams in like 3 months so it could all just be down to anxiety but this constant stomach pain lasting for 3 weeks is definitely making me more nervous about the symptoms, when I was 16 sitting my exams I experienced a lot of change in bowel habits from constipation to diarrhoea until I did my final exam, the day after I felt completely fine, but I haven't had any change in bowel habits this time.

I feel like this could be GERD but if that were the case then surely having Gaviscon would've stopped the pain? I'm really stuck on what I should do next.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi petson48564

    Eating too much popcorn in one sitting can cause bloating and can irrritate the gastro-intestinal tract because of it's high fibre content. You have more than likely irritated your gastro-intestinal tract. Your stomach needs time and care by not putting foods into it that will irritate it.....

    • Posted

      Ah, alright. Thanks for the fast reply, it's also what my dad was suggesting I do too. I'll try it tomorrow and will let you know how I get on.

    • Posted

      Hi person48564

      Keep a food diary of day, date and time and food consumed and whether or not that particular food made your tum hurt. Elimimate any food that hurts your tum from your diet until your tum heals then gradually reintroduce the foods you would normally eat.........but go easy on popcorn on future!

  • Posted

    Try to drink more water and get moving - just walk every day inbetween to get your metabolism going.. sitting around gets everything stuck ..

    And especially in those more busy times where your body is anyways emotionally stresses eat clean to not stress it more - nothing fried, too fatty, not too sugary or carbonated..

    Who knows what companies put in those popcorn. I once got terrible stomachache and headache after eating popcorn - I won’t do that again..

    Start your day with a glass of water (no ice) and eat frequently.. snack on fruits instead of sweets or processed snacks and don‘t overeat for lunch and dinner. Eat something your stomach can digest easily. Rice, potatoes, vegetables, lean meat. 

    Eat dinner at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.

    And don’t forget to drink water!’

    • Posted

      Thanks for the advice! I'll try doing this for a while and will let you know how I get on.

  • Posted

    It might be IBS.  Gaviscon only helps with acid but not pain.  I would go back to your doctor for tests and diagnosis. Some people with IBS react to corn. You may also have reacted to the sugar in the popcorn too.  IBS can be triggered by stress.  I got stress last summer and it flared up my IBS and I got diarrhoea for three days.  I got stressed again yesterday, and this time I experienced stomach pain.  Every flare is different.

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