Constant Pulse Pressure of 60

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Hello All,

I've been reading a lot about pulse pressure recently, and I read that if you have a pulse pressure of greater than 60, its not a good sign because it means your arteries have stiffened. I am seeing my cardiologist next week but I currently have anxiety because of this. I am 29 years old, so I am relatively young. I posted here previously not too long ago so sorry for making multiple posts about this issue, I just get anxiety about my health. I decided to go vegan because I am scared I have damaged my arteries. Is unstiffening your arteries reversible if you stick with a plant based diet + exercise? 

Thank you ahead of time. 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I should also add my diastolic number seems to get really low. At times I was reading my diastolic pressure being below 60.

    my readings on average are 140/80 (if im stressed), 130/70 (normal), 120/60 (completely relaxed).

    Should I be concerned?

    • Posted

      Hi scottjlee333 I am no expert but your pressures look ok to me. My pressures are much the same as yours and I have no worries. Think you should only worry if they go any higher. My top pressure at its worst has been 170!
  • Posted

    I have to tell you Scott I think you are worrying unnecessarily. My pulse has never been less than 70 and is usually around 80. I have seen a cardiologist many times because of paroxysmal tachycardia (very fast rate - at times over 130) and other heart problems but they have never mentioned my pulse rate as being a problem.  I am 70 and with several females in my family dying before the age of 60 because of heart problems I think the cardiologists are amazed I do not have more problems but not once have they said that my pulse rate being more than 60 is a problem. 
    • Posted

      Hello thanks for the reply. I am referring to pulse pressure, not pulse. Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic. That is, if i have a 120/60 reading, my pulse pressure is 60. They said the higher the pulse pressure difference in systolic and diastolic, it means your arteries have stiffened. 
    • Posted

      scottjlee333...Nobody on here is trying to dismiss your concerns, but I can tell you one are stressing over nothing. Get out with friend...go enjoy yourself. The anxiety & stress you are causing yourself is the culprit.

  • Posted

    scottjlee333...Hokey smokers!!...What are you worrying about??? Having a pulse greater than 60bpm is absolutely ok. The 'normal' is 72 bpm. Mine is constantly at 60bpm because of my medication & my GP knows this. Although he's not a specialist, he's been practicing medicine a long time & whatever he says I truly believe. Not only that...there hasn't been any other doctor say anything to me. Relax about your pulse rate.

    Anxiety can do all sorts of bad things to you & one of them is elevation of the blood pressure. You said it get readings of 120/60 when completely relaxed, 140/80 if stressed. There, I rest my case. Blood pressure fluctuates from minute to minute. You can have a reading of 120/80 one minute, then 130/78 the next.

    Relax...enjoy're very shouldn't be worrying about these things unless they get totally out of control.

    • Posted

      Hello thanks for the reply. I am referring to pulse pressure, not pulse. Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic. That is, if i have a 120/60 reading, my pulse pressure is 60. They said the higher the pulse pressure difference in systolic and diastolic, it means your arteries have stiffened. 
  • Posted

    Hi Scott

    "I've been reading a lot about pulse pressure recently"

    I think you would be wise to stop worrying and "reading".  Very few sites are reliable anyway.  I doubt you need to feel at all "concerned" - if my blood pressure was ever in the range of any of the three readings that you have quoted, I would be over the moon.  You are young,and no doubt fit and healthy - you just need to conquer your unnecessary anxiety about your health - go out and enjoy your life otherwise your anxiety will take over...and then your health will suffer.  

    • Posted

      Hi MrsO-UK told him pretty much what I did. A young person such as that should never be worrying about this sort of thing. It's the worry that's the problem. 

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