Constant spotting/bleeding throughout the month!

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Hi, I contacted my GP regarding my periods. I'm 53 and just recently my periods have gone mad. For the past 3+ weeks I've either been spotting or bleeding with maybe the odd day in between with nothing. She's also sending me for an ultrasound to hopefully eliminate anything sinister. Until the age of 50 I was on the contraceptive pill and had been for the best part of 30 years. 

The past 16 days I've actually been bleeding constantly, losing clots daily and actually resorting to incontinence underwear to contain the flow. I'm actually feeling very anxious and jittery as well, the GP thinks this could be low iron levels and I'm awaiting a blood test to confirm this. 

Ive just found this forum and I'm actually relieved that I'm not the only one going through this. My GP actually made me feel that what I'm going through isn't normal and has made my anxiety go through the roof. To read that other ladies are actually spotting for most of the month with heavy bleeding accompanying it is a relief. This is the first month this has happened to me. I have been having irregular periods with only 3 weeks beteeen them but they would only last 4/5 days with only 2 heavy clotting painful days... I'm really hoping this last month is due to hormone levels going crazy and can't wait for the ultrasound to hopefully put my mind at rest. 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I am 48 and am going through exactly the same thing as you. The last few years my periods had gone to a shorter cycle of three weeks and a couple of heaviest days followed by a few really light days. This month I had been bleeding now for the two weeks constantly for the first time ever. It keeps going from light to heavy and the odd day with nothing, but then it starts again. I saw my GP today and she gave me some Tranexamic Acid to slow the heavy days and told me to go back for an examination after it has stopped. She did think though that is probably just my hormones. I am concerned I am never going to stop bleeding! I too feel a bit jittery and out of it, so am getting checked to see if I need iron.

    You really are not alone in this xx

  • Posted

    I'm not bleeding heavy but I have spotted most days  for the past 3 months.  I'm 56 and like you I am anxious in case there is anything else wrong apart from the pre-menopause.  My GP had a look at my cervix and did an internal but said there was not anything abnormal.  I do know that others on here are like us so fingers crossed we will be fine.  Take care xx

  • Posted

    Hi both, I am going through a similar thing. I actually typed up a really long reply the other day but was on my phone and it didn't post so here it goes again smile 

    ?I am 45 and started experiencing the spotting in between about six months ago. It would happen during ovulation time (never happened to me before) which I have now read could also mean anovulation. I am convinced mine is also linked to exercise - I run 3-4 times a week and also go to the gym and would spot after a long run. In fact, the first time it ever happened was during ovulation but also during/after I ran a half marathon distance. I felt great and didn't realise until I got home so it really freaked me out. I would sometimes spot before or after my periods which are painless but quite heavy on days 2, 3 and sometimes 4. 

    ?Saw my GP who instantly said peri. Had blood tests done which didn't show anything (just low ish iron). Had ultrasound which revealed a fibroid and possibly a polyp so had to go and have a procedure during which they put a camera up to have a look and also a biopsy just to make sure. I spent the month before the appointment feeling sick with worry, not sleeping, etc but it actually wasn't too bad and the biopsy didn't hurt much at all (I did take some ibuprofen before the procedure). To cut a long story short, the consultant couldn't get the camera as far up as she wanted as my cervix was tight and pointing backwards (plus their computer/monitor crashed halfway through it so I had to sit there with my legs up while they were trying to fix it!) so I was told I need to go back. At least she took a sample so don't have to have done again. 

    ?Doctors keep telling me it's probably just peri and hormones and I have come across so many others with the same symptoms but this is still freaking me out. I used to be very active and now I'm scared to go for a run because I now it would probably make me spot again. I am getting really depressed and worried and even dream about it.

    ?Today I decided to go and do the parkrun and I'm so glad I did. Yes, the spotting happened (I am due my period any day now anyway, it's day 25) but I decided to listen to my consultant who told me not to stop running and that she is not particularly concerned about the spotting!

    ?I hope you get to the bottom of it and don't let it stress you out too much. I hope we all get through this quickly and be able to get on with our lives xx

    • Posted

      I'm freaked out about the tests because even a smear is murder for me.  I have a low cervix as well as long term anxiousness.  I think it is all normal for our age but at the back of my mind I will wonder if there is something else from time to time.  We have age on our side no doubt and there are many women going through the same symptoms as us xx

    • Posted

      Ok, I know it's easier said than done but please don't worry about the tests. I am the biggest wuss ever and although I haven't had a particularly bad smear experience, when my gp used a similar tool to take a swab it hurt so much. She also made me feel bad for being in pain as i was out of order. For this reason I spent my whole summer being worried sick about the internal ultrasou d but let me tell you - It's nothing like that. The probe is thin , not much bigger than a tampon and i felt absolutely fine and relaxed to my surprise.

      The thing with the camera took longer and they used the speculum like they do with smears but again, they did that so much better than my gp, maybe because they do that on daily basis. Even the dreaded biopsy felt like a few mild cramps although I had a few cramps afterwards too but nothing too bad.

      What are you having done?

    • Posted

      I've had an internal already and that was fine.  I've got to go back soon because they are trying to stop the spotting but it hasent stopped.  At present I'm on Vagifem.  They may try other things before they do an ultrasound, I'm not sure xx

    • Posted

      Hi JoJo

      Just wondering how you have got on? I’m also a runner but constant bleeding has made me scared to go out for a run this past week. Been to see GP this week who did blood tests (waiting results)  and sent for scan. They said I had 5 fibroids which couldn’t be removed other than by hysterectomy but I’ve got to go back to GP to discuss options. But as it’s Christmas got to wait a week. Want to go for a run but too scared. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks X

    • Posted

      Hi Amanda,

      This sounds just like me. I haven't been for a run in 2 months now and it's really depressing as I miss it so much. I went for a brisk walk with another injured running buddy and ran on and off maybe for just 1.5km. Got home and the spotting happened even from that tiny bit of exercise. I had a second attempt to remove the polyp which they think could be a fibroid (at US I was told I have a small one of each!) but couldn't quite get to all of it. He said he removed some but not all. The second biopsy from that came back clear and the letter mentioned fibroid rather than a polyp. They are supposed to shrink as we get older and hit menopause, aren't they?

      Seeing my Dr first week  in Jan but he said carry on running and don't let it bother you as it's nothing sinister as such but it really upsets me. I now spot/bleed after every run but thinking I will start going for tiny little 1-2km runs on my own, just to get back into it. Feel like I am losing all my fitness and have put on 6lb in the past 3 months :*(

      Did they say it was the fibroids that are causing the bleeding? And do you lose a lot of blood? How long does it last after a run? Mine lasts a few hours but I still find it really upsetting. You could send me a private message so that we are not hijacking the original thread smile

      Thanks for getting in touch, it means a lot to hear from someone who is in the same position! Merry Christmas xx


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