Constant stabbing pain in abdomen which has become debilitating.

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I noticed a lady wrote on here about 2 yrs ago with almost exactly the same symptoms.

I have had a constant stabbing pain in my right abdomen. It flares up to an intense pain causing me to overheat become very dizzy and faint. Then it settles and just continues to give a dull stab like pain. I have several times now had problems with my bladder being unable to urinate and a feeling like my bladder will explode and really awful pain in my right pelvis. Along with this my right buttock hurts so I can't sit properly and the front of my right thigh aches but not all the time. I'm constantly bloated and feel sick all the time. I tend to get tingling in my arm and hand like pins and needles when the pain in my abdomen flares up.

I have been treated for UTI and had scans where ovarian cysts have been found at first thought to be cancerous, however I have been told they are not significant enough to be causing these type of symptoms.

I'm on antibiotics again which are not making any difference. I've had several blood tests which have come back normal. At no point not even when I was treated for UTI have I had a temperature. There was blood in my urine and slightly raised white blood cells. The bladder symptoms keep recurring.

I have now been off work for 5 weeks as it is so debilitating and pain can be so intense I can't even do basic daily living tasks.

I've been told to continue with antibiotics and wait and see what happens.

I have noticed the pain can be alot worse after eating although I'm not off of food it is gradually putting me off because I don't want the increased pain.

I can't carry on like this I need to get back to normality and back to work.

No one seems to know what's going on and instead of trying to find out it's a wait and see approach which is no good to me.

Does anyone have any ideas on this or experienced anything similar?

Anything would be more helpful than a wait and see method. Thanks.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Ask to see a urologist.  Maybe you have a deep seated UTI that is resistant to antibiotics.  Raised white blood cells and blood in your urine. could be signs of infection.  You should have been referred to a specialist much earlier than this. A wait a sea approach should not have been suggested since you are in so much pain.
    • Posted


      Thanks for your reply.

      When I was treated for UTI I had raised white cells and blood in urine. I had a course of antibiotics for a week. It did not stop the pain. I had a scan after, which found the cysts. I have been put on another course of antibiotics of which I've been taking for a week and it's a 2 week course. I had bloods done a few days ago everything normal but I still have this awful pain that flares up randomly and the dull pain that is there constantly. The pain in my abdomen started first and seems to be affecting everything else. I don't think it's a deep rooted UTI as the pain is more around the ovaries and appendix area it just seems to affect my bladder.

      Thank you for your thoughts though. And yes a wait and see approach is ridiculous considering I've been off work now for 5 weeks due to this debilitating pain.

      Any other ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

    • Posted

      Have you had an abdominal ultrasound to check your kidneys, appendix and gallbladder?  Your appendix and gallbladder are on your right side.  If you had an infection in your kidneys rather than your bladder, this can also cause a lot of pain, particularly back pain.

      Maybe ask for a HIDA scan  to check gallbladder function.  Anitibiotics can also cause GI problems.  Make sure you take yoghurt after you finish them to restore good gut bacteria.  Ask again about your cysts since the pain is around the ovary area.  You may be getting referred pain if you feel it in your bladder area but you are clear of any bladder infection.  All, these organs are close to each other.

    • Posted

      No I haven't. They don't seem to want to check. The only scan I had was the ultrasound on my womb and ovaries. And since then they have been taking the wait and see approach.

      Thankyou for your help.

    • Posted

      I would keep going back to your doctor and insist on the tests I mentioned.  You can always see someone else to get help.

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