Constant stomach ache please help!

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Hi all. For the past week I've had a sore tummy, right in the centre, with a constant feeling of rumbling even after eating. I take waves of nausea and am constantly feeling too warm and occasionally light headed. I can't get an appointment at my doctors for another 2 weeks! So any help would be much appreciated (:

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi it sounds like acid reflux even tho u eat. Chk your dr for diagnosis but for me when it happens i use maalox plus.

    Feel better soon.

  • Posted

    Urgent care facility while you're waiting for an appointment with your doctor

  • Posted

    You may want to get your hormones checked once you get into the doctor and have your gallbladder examined. 
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    Omeprazole is over the counter, read about it first but may help settle you down. I take ondansetron or promethazine for nausea, rx only though.
  • Posted

    My major problems started after a 4 day stomach ache in the same area. Before that I was off and on PPIs. 2 weeks before I started getting a dull feeling in my lower abdominal area (left and right). So I think I was vulnerable and them something tipped me over the edge.

    Other than trying to see care right away, I would be really careful with what and how much you are eating so you don't make things worse. Over the past year I had several bad stomach aches and they always seemed to be within 1 or 2 days of a big meal. Lactose, carbs, sugars and inflammatory foods would be what I would watch for.


  • Posted

    A stomach ache is a term often used to refer to cramps or a dull ache in the tummy (abdomen). It's usually short-lived and is often not serious.

    Severe abdominal pain is a greater cause for concern. If it starts suddenly and unexpectedly, it should be regarded as a medical emergency, especially if the pain is concentrated in a particular area.

    If this is the case phone your GP as soon as possible, or the 111 service if your GP is closed.

    If you feel pain in the area around your ribs, read about chest pain for information and advice. 

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