Constant stomach pain

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Hello, I have been having a similar problem to you all for 6 weeks now. Started with very severe stomach pain out of nowhere which landed me in hospital, all the tests were done.. had an ultrasound.. a follow up endoscopy camera test which told me I had mild gastritis? I have been taking omeprazole for 3 weeks now as well as Acidophilus from holland & barrett.. still constantly have a stomach pain never goes away with the extreme pain and flare up coming on basically every other day which stops me from doing anything and makes me so down. The constant pain is stopping me from enjoying normal things and the constant worry about when the severe pain will start is just as bad. Would appreciate any advice or knowledge from anyone with a similar sort of problem or know how.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Gastritis is a inflammation of the stomach lining, there are different types of gastritis. I would speak with your doctor and ask him or her, what type of gastritis you do have, did they see any ulcers or signs of inflammation in my esophagus and if there is, does that mean acid reflux, I would also change the way I was eating, no drinking or smoking or caffine, avoid soda, tea..Try to avoid fatty or fried foods. I would eat smalls meals through the day and avoid eating a heavy meal before I went to sleep, after any meals you should not lay down for at least an hour. There are other medications they can use to treat you, but i would discuss this with your doctor. I would also try to avoid dairy. I would also get on a probiotics. Have they ruled out h-pylori bacteria?
    • Posted

      Thanks very much for your reply.. they didn't say what type of gastritis I didn't know there was different types. After the camera they just said gastritis and inflammation of the esophagus yes, no ulcers, no h pylori, maybe a little acid reflux but I don't feel any acid reflux or anything like that. I take one capsule of acidophilus per day is that a probiotic? Im very close to not going to work pain is just that bad nothing so far seems to be a relief, should I take codeine for pain until the docs get something sorted?

    • Posted

      Yes, the acidophilus is a probiotic. Do you have any bloating, or fell really gassy, do you burp a lot or get full easy, where is your pain? What type of pain, sharp, dull, comes and goes, or constant, do you have nausea or vomiting and have your have bowel changed? Do you get heart burn or indigestion?
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      From what i know of gastritis, pain medications can cause more inflammation, so be careful using them, but that is something I would ask to the doctor. Have they done a ct scan or MRI or upper GI series?
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      Is the pain worse after you eat? I would keep a food journal.
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      Yes bloating and burp regularly, pain is in the centre of abdomen. Terrible dull ache when it's bad and just a light dull ache at all times. No nausea or vomiting and no bowel changes. No heart burn or indigestion.. anything else that can help ?

    • Posted

      Stomach problems are always hard to get a straight answer and takes time to get over. gastritis can take months to heal from, it can be chronic or acute. I hope that is not your case. that's why I said maybe changing your diet you might start to feel better. I would also listen to my gut and if it telling me something is not right then listen. Have they done a stool sample, they could check for small bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). I would deffienlty go back to my doctor, make sure you have someone with you and a list of questions and a list of your symptoms. Also does your pain get worse after you eat?

    • Posted

      Pain seems to stay the same when eating just bloating and feeling of fullness after not really eating a lot. Severe pain comes and goes whenever can't really predict it..

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      They have took two stool samples and everything was ok. The doctor has since upped my dose of omeprazole to two a day rather than one after I went back complaining about the severe pain and things not getting any better. I will start a food diary from today as you have said. I feel extremely bloated after just a small meal for example a jacket potato with filling but next to no pain at all just the bloating which seems to take forever to go away by which time it is time for another meal. Are you talking from experience or are you a professional? If you have any more advice it would be greatly appreciated, thanks
  • Posted

    It may take a long time to find a solution to your problem and millions of tests and the frustration part is when the results  come back the doctor says they have found nothing or you are in within the normal range. Not sure if any of these doctors or the one doing results have suffered what we go through because if they did I am sure they would work faster to find a solution. My doctor was the same until he had a heart attack and was on the other end and I now find that his attitude has changed alot however we still can't find an explaination as to my problem. Not sure where you live but here in Canada the doctor is limited as to how many tests and what tests he can prescribe so difficult to get a fast response to problems. I have been living with my problems for years and like you I never know when it is going to be a bad day and yes it makes it hard to plan your life. I just went through that yesterday all ready for a afternoon of fun and 1/2 hour before time to leave the stomach pain came on so home I stayed. You have been given some good advice from linsely39536, keep a diary of the food you eat, what you did that day or day before your attack came, how long it lasted, what did you did that helped to relieve it and how many days between real bad attacks. This is good information to have the next time you see your doctor or specialist. I don't understand why in todays technology they can't find something to help us, they seem to be able to do this on TV shows. Just keep at find solutions and stick in there like the rest of us. If you do come across something be sure to pass the info on.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply, so do you find daily life/work difficult ? Is there anything that gives you relief or do you seem to be in constant pain. I am normally at my best when I first wake up but just for a short period of time. I feel I need a break from this already after 6 weeks and I read other people's columns about suffering for years, I can't physically imagine being the way I am now for years to come. is it actually suffering or does it become manageable somehow? Doctor is so hard to talk to like you explained he just does not seem to understand the difficulty and pain I am in, I am fascinated by this website and other people with similar problems, any other remedies or anything recommended to help I would really appreciate. Thanks

    • Posted

      LIfe and work and etc is difficult on a daily bases. I wake up in the morning feeling like I have the flu and push myself to do the morning routine of shower - dressing - hair etc. Then I go to have breakfast and that is tough as I am not sure what to eat as to how it will effect me. Every morning I take a gravel pill for the nauseation and I also take a probiotic and Vita B12. I watch what I eat as milk is not good for me first thing in the morning. I stay away from white bread but do have a high fibre brown brown bread for toast. When in pain I try to focus on the deep breathing and I use the bean bag heating pads alot. When in pain I know there is not much you feel like doing however I push myself to do what I can either wise I would be stuck at home in bed and that is no way to live. Due to the various parts of body that is in pain I am exploring the area of Stem Cell Therapy and found it to be expensive but I have talked to people who had it done and they swear by the proceedure and feel the cost of it was well worth it since it has given them days with out a lot of pain. I keep a diary as mentioned before and when I see the doctor I bring up my problems and one of these days we may be able to find something to help but in the mean time I have my medical history documented and show them how often the real bad pain is and for how long. Like many I have had everly test possible that have negative results. If you have read other posts you will see some have gone 10 years with no solution. Deep breathing exercises, some mild yoga and using distraction to help deal with the pain. Sorry that is all the advice I can offer at this time.

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