Constant stomach pain, nearly passed out and sleeping in the day. Feel terrible
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I need some help with some symptoms I have been suffering with for a few days now. On Saturday morning I woke up with an intense stomach pain and felt so nauseous. I went on to have about 4 bowel movements which were all watery. I forced myself to eat some breakfast hoping that it would just pass. I drove to work as usual as I cannot really afford to take time off work, I got there and was massively spaced out and after about an hour of being there started feeling worse. It got so bad to the point where I nearly passed out in the shop and managed to stop myself by laying down, I was then picked up by my dad thankfully. I cannot pinpoint what is making me feel like this. I have slept in the day for two days now and feel very lethargic and run down.
I am not sure whether it is a stomach bug or food poisoning, or something entirely different. All I can say is that I ate chicken on the Friday and I can't help but think it wasn't cooked properly. I am worried because I work two jobs and haven't felt this unwell in a while and it's stressing me out more having to deal with this.
I have checked my temperature and it is around 36.5c / 97.7f so no temperature at the moment. My body feels achy and I feel weak. Have not thrown up and can keep down food and liquids, just about. Any help would be appreciated!
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