Constant symptoms wearing me down please help
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Has anyone experienced very sore and inflamed labia and just inside vagina? It keeps coming back I've used s hydrocortisone cream sparingly it cleared up I had one normal week then it's back again feels like your vagina is swollen gaping and back to square one very sore to sit or walk or do anything. Had tests done all clear in blood work Don't use any smellies in bath or on me don't dry just air dry after shower use un bleached toilet paper wash clothes in no enzyme no fragrance washing powder. This seems to go in a cycle I also get very puffy above eyes is it something being excreted in urine that causes sore?? Any ideas more than welcome am so fed up after a year of these symptoms . My resilience is being truly tested is this really what menopause can do!!!!! Please help
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Jan999 liz53953
liz53953 Jan999
Jan999 liz53953
liz53953 Jan999
Jan999 liz53953
jayneejay Jan999
i also had BV and never knew as had no odour or usual symptoms at all.. That was also picked up on smear results.
i now use the eco care vaginal Ph home tester sticks and make sure all is always okay now ..
its very good the estriol .. I use ovestin ovules internally and ovestin cream externally, cream can be used internally too, I only use occassionally that seems fine for me.
jay x
maggie58 liz53953
I use pjur med silicone lubricant. They also do a repair lubricant and a hygeine spray . It is available at Boots online or instore. I cannot use HRT. It is much better than any other lubricants and is safe and non irritant. Have you been to the GP? You should really get it checked out.
liz53953 maggie58
middlemuddle liz53953
Once you get it under control you will feel better. I find chlorinated swimming pools can se it off.
liz53953 middlemuddle
middlemuddle liz53953
jayneejay liz53953
poor you..
i didnt have such inflamation like you mention, but did have abit of dryness.
my Gyno suggested only Ovestin ( Estriol the kinder estrogen) vaginal cream which can be sparingly applied to outer areas as well, or Ovestin Estriol Ovules, which i prefer and are less messy.. I only use on occassion and they are very good, have been for me anyway.
non hormonal pre meno duo ovules are good in my experience too, from stress no more uk ..
i use either ... From time to time..
Are you the liz on the other discussions that uses alot of other things internally , maybe they have made you sore and inflammed .. ?
have you checked your vaginal PH levels, as if high can be BV
best to see a Gyno if at all possible. i know i would .. Hope you find something that helps..
jay x
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
oh bless you hun, its so miserable when things down there wont improve.
i do feel for you, i had my fair share of it so truly relate.
i only get to see a gyno as i live in spain, and i just have to pay for mine, hes very good though and worth every penny.
i so hope you get sorted Liz
big hugs
jay x
Tazchurch liz53953
Big hugs
Taz xxx