Constantly feelng sick for 2 years
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Im a 23 year old male and iv spent the last 2 years feeling constantly sick. Some days i don't feel too bad and then some days i feel physically awful. Its stopped me from doing many things that i used to love doing, i used to travel alot, go out for meals with friends, go on holidays etc but because of the way i feel i can no longer go through it without feeling really sick. Iv never been sick ( since iv been feeling like this ) but cane very close many times. Iv been to the doctors a number of times and put it down to anxiety and acid reflux, iv been tested for cancers and diabetes and ibs but all came back negative, iv tried counselling but that didn't help and iv tried alot of tablets that didn't do much either. Anybody got any answers to what may be making me feel sick so much? Please?
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carmel83758 davidlamb
davidlamb carmel83758
carmel83758 davidlamb
alan11628 davidlamb
2009 - I dropped from 12 stone to 10.5 stone I felt awful and got worried spending most of my day worrying and when I didnt think I was worrying ie sleeping etc subcontiencely I was, the thort of can@er constantly ran through my head: it dug me a very deep hole with various symptoms appearing fast
1) nausea every hour/minute of the day
2) lack of appetite
3) drastic weight loss to 9.5 stone
4) constipation and diareah
5) chest pains
6) liver function/thyroid function abnormalities
And the list goes on
I had 100's of tests including endoscopy, colonoscopy, xrays of which all revealed no abnormalities
I went through hell for 2 and half years and eventually went to see a cognital behaviour therapist eventually I started to feel better nut it took a very long time, stress/anxiety wether noticed or not can play havoc with your body to get round this you need to eat a healthy diet and excercise and relax
I am now going through similar issues again 5 years later ie sour stomach weight loss and pain, I have just had a endoscopy again which showed by the report no serious pathology and have been told I need to relax and get bad thoughts out of my head,
Ironically I have been very stressed at work and had a very poor diet again, im still weary about my symptoms because I feel sonill every day but im gunna take steps to improve my health again
We spend days/years/months worrying about what could be but we should really plug thru and improve our lifestyle to see if that helps
What will be will be
carmel83758 alan11628
davidlamb carmel83758
carmel83758 davidlamb
davidlamb carmel83758
carmel83758 davidlamb
claira67 davidlamb
Just a thought, but have you been tested for H-pylori? I was having nausea and tested positive for H-pylori. Also have you tried taking ginger for nausea? Ginger is known to be good for this. I am currently drinking tea made with fresh ginger regularly. You could try it as an experiment to see if alleviates the symptoms, although I understand you want to also find out what's causing the nausea.
davidlamb claira67
sheila49018 davidlamb
davidlamb sheila49018