Constantly nauseous and it's driving me nuts...

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First of all some details: I'm 20, female and there is no chance of pregnancy as I'm a virgin. I have GAD and IBS and possible GERD. I've had a colonoscopy which came up clear and blood tests for celiac, which again came back clear. I do have slightly low B12 but not enough to warrant any injections etc.

So for the past 5 years I've been dealing with nausea at least once a day. It's about 50/50 for days of it being severe, about to throw up nausea and just dull nausea. At the moment, it's been throw up nausea. I can only remember two times where I've actually thrown up from it. One of them was actually when I was about to turn 12. Recently I've started to feel very fatigued a lot too, along with body aches. That part of it has been going on for about a month. I can never tell the difference between an infection and just a flare up of these symptoms. It doesn't help that I have emetophobia (fear of vomiting) too. My GP is a bit crap tbh, so I was wondering if any of you guys have experienced this before or know anything about the subject?

Thanks in advance!

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Forgot to mention, I've been on domperidone, buccastem and metaclopramide before for this. The only medication out of these that has worked properly is metaclopramide, but I only had one "course" of it because my GP thought it was down to stress from a breakup. Stress does tend to make this a lot worse.

  • Posted

    Go to another doctor and see what he says. Do not leave it long.  cant beleive it you leave it that long. Stress does cause indigestion, so better check your diet and eat small meal etc.. Dont rely on tablet so much for after a while, it will become dependent and reverse re-action. Try doing anything to releive stress. Exercise, going out, read book etc..

    You are too young to suffer this horrible thing but for sure you dont have cancer. Looking at your stool to see if it is floating, means the gas too much can cause it too. Another opinion from professional is helpful.

    I feel for you. Good luck in finding a new doctor.

    • Posted

      That's the good news, that I don't have cancer haha! I might actually change my doctor because he's been having pretty bad feedback over the past few years. Thank you for the reply!

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    feeling nauseas kills quality of life.

    There is a test called 'gastric emptying study', it doesn't hurt, is not invasive, you eat and drink tiny radioactive food/drink and via scanner is monitored over hours, how food and drink moves along, if delayed.

    If it was delayed, those mobility enhancers like domperidone, metoclopramide are very indicated and more or less the only help that can be trialed, if nothing else is found (H.pylori??).

    I agree, you need a different doc, 

    you need a breath or stool test for H.pylori


    get a gastric emptying study (nuclear medicine, you can search the nearest facility to you and even call if they did such testing) to get those metoclopramide for much longer.

    We have good success with 'ondansetrone' as a nausea symptome killer, but it does not do anything about the cause, of course.

     Btw: speaking German, I almost passed out laughing reading your forum name.cheesygrin

    • Posted

      I'm definitely going to look into this stuff! I definitely need to get a new doctor because the guy I go to has been getting really bad reviews recently. I know one near me who's supposedly very good so will give him a go. 

      Hahahaha I thought it would be good for my fellow German speakers! Just a descendant here, granddad was from Stuttgart. 

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