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Hi ladies,
Anyone out there having trouble with extreme constipation - especially around ovulation time? Never had a problme with this before and now its so uncomfortable. I up my fiber and do what I am supposed to and it still seems to be halted.
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sharcerv52408 marie25874
Oh my gosh, yes! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one. It is horrible! I get the constipation, indigestion, heartburn and the whole lot! I take fiber supplements to help.
marie25874 sharcerv52408
It is so horrible! I do the Metamucil pretty much all the time but during that time sometimes that's not even enough. Then I get all sorts of stomach pains because I can't go. Then anxiety kicks in and I think it's something else. How do people handle years and years of this?
DearDoe marie25874
Kegel8Stephanie marie25874
Hi Marie
When your hormone production slows down, constipation steps in I'm afraid. It is vital that you combat this naturally, because the stress on the pelvic floor can lead to prolpase, so please look at natural ways to tackle it. Lots of water, extra magnesium, and a toilet stool to raise your knees - it works wonders.
Natural sources of fibre (vegetables, linseeds etc) - please avoid commercial products, they are over processed and usually contain high amounts of sugar. Try to avoid laxatives as they make the muscles weaker and lazy, lots of water. Avoid juices as the high sugar content could lead to weight gain which will go straight on your middle, which is another key area at this time. (The female body starts to produce hormones in the fat cells to compensate for the reduced levels, and fat cells expand and get bigger - thats why we get fat around the middle and it is a devil to shift!)
Hope this helps
marie25874 Kegel8Stephanie
Hi S - Thank you so much for all the helpful information. I need to be more disciplined on a regular basis so this isn't happening every month. I will start and then get lazy and everything gets backed up. The fatness around the middle is happening too!
Zigangie marie25874
Hi marie,
I was constipated all through peri and it continued post.
Last year I decided to try HRT and gradually it improved and is now back to normal.
So imo it's hormonal. Nothing really helped, more fibre lots of water eating a lot of fruit. I was prescribed movicol latchelose and senna. I found syrup of figs to be the best thing followed by the senna as they are gentle and don't seem to make it go the opposite way.
marie25874 Zigangie
I wish I could do the HRT - seems so many women find relief. But I had some bloodwork done that was positive for Lupus anticoagulant which makes me more susceptible for blood clots. I'd like to try what you suggested . I see the syrup of figs for kids - where do you find it for adults? I am in the US. And did you experience cramping with the Senna? Thank you for the help!
Zigangie marie25874
Hi marie,
You used to be able to buy it from the chemist here in the UK but they stopped selling it a few years ago. You can get it on eBay and Amazon. The only problem I found with it is once opened it has to be kept in the fridge and used quite soon (a week as I recall).
The senna did not give me cramps but I found it could make your poo tarry.
The others I mentioned at lower dose didn't work and at higher dose caused dihorea.