Constipation - Bane of my Life!

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Hiya All

I know that there's lots of others on this wonderful site who discuss anything from head-to-toe, and anything in between.  Think I'm the worse culprit!

But can I just ask:  aside from the ladies diagnosed with IBS pre-Peri:  Has anyone found that things are even more sluggish than normal?

Hate to say it, but my WHOLE persona changes if I'm constipated: it takes over my every waking hour, fretting about how long I haven't been; how hard its going to be (like giving birth sometimes, believe me!); should I take a laxative etc etc??

Have upped my water intake, and have been peeing for Britain!  Have always loved a wide variety of veg, not so keen on fruit (hate juices) as I'm more a 'savoury' than 'sweet' gal.  Xmas saw the true emergence of my relatively controlled sweetie craving, so will avoid sweets/biccies etc as I wonder if there's even a connection here- OD-ing on sugar??

Have to admit to resorting to a mild laxative now and then, and since a bout of unusual, and unwanted 'looseness' from 1 Jan (which tied in with Xmas Period Pt 2 urghh!) I've gone full circle. Its got to the stage now where I've really struggled for 5 days. Now on the stool softeners!! Have never had piles, but know enough about them to worry about internal ones as opposed to the external.  After 'giving birth' earlier this week, it felt like I'd been booted up the jacksie: throb. throb. throb.

I know a lot of ladies attribute this to IBS. Have to admit my bowels have always beeen quite emotional TBH!  Having run a busy business for 22 long yrs, I had been very good for caring for others, meeting their needs etc, but I think as a result I had enough stress to develop IBS.  Now I'm a lady of leisure (bored!) I thought they'd lighten up. Huh!

I come from what I would call an extended 'windy' family, and we've never really been one's to hold back on this front. However, in terms of IBS, I NEVER, EVER get diahorreah. I've got a gut of cast iron, me. 

So please ladies, I'll leave my 'toilet humour' aside:  Is anyone else suffering like this sister?redface x


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38 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi shaznay

    Yep i get this still, and resort to lactolose softener sometimes, black licorice helps.,

    Ummm try not to strain or you will end up with a mild uterine prolapse.. Like me

    Force nothing in menopause ..

    I am not like it always, i go through periods of it, try a lactolose from the farmacy or natural senna tablets

    Real bummer isnt it 😃

    Jay x

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      jayneejay - I will heed your advice re prolapse!

      And Hey Missy - I'm the Pun Queen  (Loved the 'Real bummer' comment:  sometimes, you just can't resist it can you?biggrin x

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      I had a prolapse repaired 4 years ago. If you need advice.
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      Hi hun

      ref.. Prolapse, mines only slight, Gyno told me about it, and pelvic floor excercise can help me, and the ovestin ovules i use ..

      and deffo no straining on the loo, ( bearing down pushing no no ) 

      jay x


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      yes i have a wicked sense if humour, but curb it in here, just incase some dont like it ..


      jay xx

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      If they don't like it they don't have to read it do they? Don't change
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    Once again shaznay you have made my day! I buy Dulcoease when I need help. After a few days back to normal in the plumbing department.
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      Ta Matron

      Alas, I am their main Shareholdersad!  Prefer them to others as less purging.  Oh well, I'm making a vegetable soup as I type, so I'll get even more fluids in me.  (Understand overdoing the fibre in various sources can be counterproductive, so taking things easy).

      S x

    • Posted

      You are right shaznay. Too much fibre can bulk the old stools up so they are harder to pass. 
  • Posted

    Hi - I used to suffer terribly with constipation, I am a vegitarian & eat lots of pulses & Lentils, my sister was the same to. I started taking I take Osteocare by Vitabiotics it has (Calcium-Magnesium-D3 & Zinc) this was for the muscle & bone pain I had been suffering with which has also gone but I now go every day, honestly I am so excited as I had suffer with constipation for years! My sister has also started taken them & like me is so happy with the results! The tablets are large to swallow but who cares! Its the magnesium that is helping but its a good combination tablet with the Calcium. mag, Zinz & D3. Good luck its not fun being like that & its a worry whats happening inside!
    • Posted

      Thanks for replying barbara

      I've read a bit on here about the magical properties of magnesium in regards to shifting things along. 

      I'm not on any meds at all.  Given in to buying myself Menopace Viabiotics,like you for the aches & pains, which I believe contain the vits/mins you mention. Not sure of their doses in relation to RDAs. Might be wise for me to check to see if there's any leeway for me to up my intake of some of these and completely reap their benefits.

      Unfortunately, due to this bloody cast iron gut of mine, I haven't had much benefit  from its shifting properties........yet!

      I've been feeling decidely chilled for the past couple of weeks, very unusual so making the most of itsmile.  I think once I get back to being a little more regular, I'll be fine. 

      My whole family are great veg fans, so we generally eat our 5-a-day allowance in our meals.  Cutting down on coffee. Might reaquaint myself with green tea and just get myself out of the extended Xmas sugar craving binge. That stuff's no good for us - grateful that my 'tooth' is savoury rather than sweet  (successfully weaning myself off of diet coke to avoid the bloat: easy peasy!).

      Ta Ladies. Much appreciated advice x

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      Hi Barbara think these are the same ones I have ,but I take the orange and mint chewy ones ,found the others too large to swallow esp as no coating on them !
  • Posted

    I am a fellow IBS sufferer, not sure it got worse with peri but I do manage mostly by taking fybogel every night before bed....keepsme regular. I so identify with the kicked up the butt bit sad

    I also have a slight uterine prolapse which I am managing at the moment.

    Bloody hell, who'd choose to be a woman??

  • Posted

    Hi dear Shazam I had a hard time too hehe redface

    i dunno I changed my diet to more fruit.  I started to eat, I swear to God, that apple a day saying really does keep the doctor away.  That's the only thing I added recently to my diet and it changed my toilet experience! xo 💙💜💛

    • Posted

      I knew you lot would come to my rescue!  Thanks HotDot, I think I'm going to have to start eating some fruit. 

      Tell me: where else could we all have such an in-depth discussion about our bowel movements, bleeding, aching boobs, etc outside of a Doctor's surgery?  I love this site! x

    • Posted

      Hey Shaz haha and for everyone around the world to read too  redface  we should start a talkshow on the perimenopause dilemmas.   Ask Jaynee too cuz she knows her stuff.   I don't eat a lot of fruit so was suffering.  I don't like doctors and hospitals so if an apple a day will do the trick then hey I'll try.  All we can do is try things and see what works.  💚💜💙❤️xo

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