Constipation or something sexually related???
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I have been dealing with this issue for 3/4 years now I would say, but maybe more than that. It seemed to have all started after I injaculated (stop the semen from exiting the penis while ejaculating) a handful of times. The final time that I did it felt as though something dropped down into the anus from inside. I went to a GP who physically examined me and concluded it was nothing but constipation and some hemorrhoid marks so I was given suppositories and an oral medication which seemed to not help very much. I went back and was given more medication which again seemed to do very little so I was referred to a urologist who also physically examined me and concluded the same thing that it was constipation and nothing more. I was told that the idea that I could feel pressure in my testicles from it and that it seemed to be related to the penis was all in my head and I was prescribed more medication which I never ended up taking. The urologist also had me do blood and urine tests which I never got the results of because I never went back for the follow-up appointment. After that I tried everything you can think of on my own, laxatives, stool softeners, Metamucil, Magnesium, you name it.
I do have all of the typical symptoms associated with constipation such as small hard stools (sometimes it comes out like a mushy paste and there's lots of it), bloating, gas, straining etc. BUT there is also this problem that is driving me crazy which is that it constantly, 24/7 feels as though there is something stuck in the anus that needs to be pushed out which also seems to be associated with the testicles in some way and that feeling seems to become a little bit less each time I masturbate and when I get done masturbating its as if something opens up in there and I push a bit of clear/yellow liquid out. Often times after masturbating I go to the bathroom and it's like diarrhea and I go over and over again which the masturbating seems to trigger. It's also very uncomfortable while masterbating because I feel a strong urge to pass gas, especially while ejaculating and this has made me so nervous to have sex and is putting my relationship on hold. It feels as though the inside of the anus is completely swollen as I have had to manually help myself defecate. It also seems to affect the strength of my erections and the way I ejaculate and how long I can last etc. The best way I can describe it is to say that when I manually move my penis up and down without my hand and just the muscles I can feel it in my anus and that's where the feeling of something needing to be pushed out is coming from too and I can also feel it in there to some degree when I urinate, it's like a feeling of pressure and tightness in there.
This is a nightmare and to make matter worse I am an agoraphobic and am at a really bad stage with it and can't bring myself to go to the doctor because of it and it almost seems pointless to go anyway because I feel like they'll just say its constipation and that the other stuff is all in my head again anyway. I'm also a recovering porn addict and want to start the rebooting process again where I refrain from masturbating altogether and would like to do this for at least two months before I have sex but I feel as though masturbating is basically slowly curing whatever this is little by little each time that I do it.
The other thing that bothers me is the not knowing what caused this to happen to begin with. Was it because of the injaculating? Was it because I was rebooting and didn't masturbate for 3/4 months straight and it caused issues? Or is it just constipation like the doctors said? One person tells me that you could never masturbate again and it wouldn't ever cause an issue and another tells me that you should do it at least once a day to keep things functioning properly and I have no idea who is right and who is wrong.
I will say that I do feel better than I did even say 6 months ago and am doing everything that is suggested to relieve constipation such as eating healthier, drinking more water, exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, avoiding dairy, getting more fiber in my diet etc. But the feeling is still there and it's holding me back from feeling comfortable to have sex, so I feel like it has to be taken care of before I start rebooting again. And then there is the part of me that wonders if refraining from masturbating will cause this to start all over again.
The really strange part about all of this is it seems like I can do all of this stuff to relieve constipation and there isn't much of a difference at all in how it feels, then I masturbate and it seems like it instantly feels a bit better. So I guess I'm wondering what is going on, what caused it, and why if it is mere constipation does masturbating seem to make it feel better?
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pattino TheAceOfSpades
How's is even possible to "injaculate" ? Did you coin this term ? Why would you attempt to do that? Your conversation seems to show you are very stressed out , anxious and insecure , I suggest you see a psychiatrist and learn to calm yourself . Good luck
TheAceOfSpades pattino
I gave a brief description of it in my original post but you basically ejaculate while holding your thumb over the tip of the penis not allowing the semen to escape. No, I didn't coin the term. I believe it was originally a Taoist practice. I did it because I read that it had many benefits including being able to ejaculate without losing the sexual energy and retaining it instead. Yes, stupid, I know. Yeah, maybe it does come across that way but I suppose that's partly because I have been dealing with this for so long now and it has held me back so much. Thanks.
pattino TheAceOfSpades
Also a very old way to relieve constipation is to break a tiny piece of soap ,insert in the anus ,in a few minutes you'll feel a minor irritation and then you'll be stimulated to do it
TheAceOfSpades pattino
uncklefester TheAceOfSpades
That whole injaculate thing can't be good for you. You're liable to end up with prostitis. Good luck curing that.
Why would you want to injaculate anyway?
TheAceOfSpades uncklefester
I agree, it probably wasn't at all, it was a stupid thing to do for sure. Well, I was actually wondering if something like that is the issue but I was physically examined by two different doctors, one being a urologist, and he said "the prostate is fine" and concluded that it was nothing more than constipation. But I feel like something else is going on. I also had looked up the symptoms of prostatitis and they don't seem to match up with my symptoms at all.
Well, I had read that it was a completely harmless practice that had some benefits, so...
uncklefester TheAceOfSpades
I didn't think you had prostitis but I would think that injaculating may cause it. I assume you're kind of experimenting sexually? Have you ever tried prostate massage? I've never tried it but they say the orgams is different. Some say prostate massage could cause problems so keep that in mind if you try it
TheAceOfSpades uncklefester